Tuesday, February 3, 2009


The winners for the Reflections contest were announced. All three of our kids earned a ribbon. They worked very hard on their projects.
Maysen received an Honorable Mention (4th place). She made a beaded dragon awhile ago that she entered. We put it in the top of a pop bottle because we were worried the dragon would get lost.
Here is a close up picture of her dragon.
Jorja won 3rd place with her drawing of a snowman. She loves to draw snowmen.
Stockton worked so hard on his Reflections project. It paid off with a first place ribbon! He was so proud.
I posted a video of his project down below.

And because Preston doesn't want to be forgotten, here is a picture of him. He takes his riding car everywhere. I turned around and he was on the table riding it. I had Maysen run and get the camera while I stood by ready to make a diving catch. Luckily that wasn't needed. But come on, Preston! What are you thinking? I even took pictures of the fit he through when we took the car off the table...but they didn't turn out that cute.


Mike said...

Hooray, my kids rock! Nice going guys. Uh, Preston - off the table buddy....

Tammi said...

Awesome video Stockton! That is great:) Glad you all received ribbons!