Thursday, August 27, 2009


I'm getting increasingly frustrated with Maysen's school. They got their lockers today (they've been in school 3 weeks already). Now that they have their lockers, they aren't allowed to take their backpacks to class. That's the craziest thing I have ever heard. I also broke the news to Maysen that most likely she will have P.E. all year long. She went to bed in tears.


  1. They had that exact same rule when I taught at Brockbank. They said it was so students wouldn't hide weapons and bring them to class. I thought it was a stupid rule too.

  2. I know! Have you seen the size of Maysen? How can she possible carry everything? Also, her locker is at the other end of the school. It is by her 1 & 2 period classes, but far away from all her others. Plus, they only have 3 minutes to get to class. But the bells have been set wrong, and they only have been given 1 minute and 30 seconds to get there. Hopefully they will get that fixed!
