Stockton had his class party today. Class parties are always hard on Stockton. To him it seems more like torture. Stockton thrives on routines. He also has a hard time when there are too many people around. I'll always remember Stockton's first grade party. They had a Mexican Fiesta. Stockton couldn't stand it. He asked Mrs. Latham if he could do his work, and she let him. So he sat down on the floor, where his desk would be, and read a book - right in the middle of the Mexican Hat Dance.
Anyway, back to 4th grade. The highlight of the party for Stockton was having Preston in his class. He loved playing with him. He always loves playing with him. He adores that little boy.
Stockton & Preston
I love this next picture. Preston & his fans. Stockton loved showing Preston off to all of his friends.
Mason, Katy & Preston
Come on Stockton, let us know how you really feel.
I asked Mrs. Catlin if I could stay with Stockton while the class went out to recess. Nothing can rejuvenate that boy like time on the computer. Preston is so funny on the computer. He knows how to do just about everything now. It is funny to hear him say things like, "Internet down" or "loading...loading...loading" or "just click with the mouse" or "minimize". What a different world it is now.
Preston & Stockton
The pics of Stockton and Preston are PRICELESS!