Thursday, November 14, 2013

Girls' Room Day 17

Jorja is loving the frogs!  Chelsea told Jorja she should name this frog 'Stinker'.  That is what she kept calling the frog while she was painting him.
Jorja with her newest frog - Chelsea in the mirror.
We decided to not put back up the heart mirror over the dresser.  That way we can have more frogs!  Chelsea always chalks out her drawings with sidewalk chalk before she starts to paint.  There will be three frogs on this wall.
Chelsea also added mist around the dragon side of the room.  Magical.
I found out today that John Stockton is signing autographs at Deseret Book downtown tomorrow.  He will be there from 2:30-4:30.  They are handing out tickets on a first come first serve basis.  I totally want to go! He will sign his book (that you need to buy that day) and one piece of memorabilia.  I have ALWAYS wanted to get Stockton's baby jersey signed.  This will probably be my only chance!  I called the store and asked if I could get a ticket and then leave, or do I need to stay in line all day long.  I need to stay in line all day long.  Bummer.  I was tempted to have Stockton come with me, but I don't want him out of school all day long.  I also have car pool tomorrow, but I was able to call Jeannette and she agreed to do it for me.  After I figured that all out I looked at my calendar and realized I'm supposed to teach Preston's computer class.  I e-mailed my co-teacher and Preston's teacher and told them I wouldn't be there.  Hopefully they get the message!

Yesterday Jaime asked me if I could go to a Sunday School training meeting for her.  I thought it was weird that we were asked to go to a Sunday School meeting, but oh well.  Jaime couldn't go because her husband wasn't going to be home.  I told her I could.  Mike was going to be gone as well but I have built in babysitters!  Anyway, I was told the meeting was from 7-9 at the stake center.  I got to the stake center a few minutes before 7.  No one was there.  I wandered around the building. There was a little girls baptism going on, but no meeting.  I texted Becky and Jaime.  They had no idea.  Becky said, "I guess you're off the hook!" As I was leaving the building I ran into some random stranger who was looking for the same meeting.  They said that they were given two different addresses, but they were sure it was here and didn't bring the other address.  Anyway, they had a van full of people and asked if I would like a ride to (hopefully) the correct building.  So, I climbed into a van of complete strangers and headed off somewhere.  Anyway, we did find it.  When they found the address I knew where the church was, so I guided them there.  I thought they were from my stake, but I guess this was a regional meeting.  They were from Riverton.  I then felt bad for coming with them because they would have to backtrack to take me back to my van.

Anyway, we were about 20 minutes late to the meeting.  The chapel was full and a few rows of the overflow, but it wasn't as full as you would expect for a regional meeting.  Brad Wilcox was the speaker and the meeting was SO GOOD!  I was glad I didn't just go home.  It was a perfect training meeting.  I hate going to training meetings when it feels like the meeting was just to have a meeting.  Nothing learned.  This meeting was bam, bam, bam, bam, bam - idea after idea.  One thing I didn't realize was in YM/YW they are supposed to learn the doctrine, be given a challenge, return and report. (Well, I did know that...) but in Sunday School they are supposed to do something right in class. Model, do it, give feedback, do it again.  The theme for this month is personal and spiritual self reliance.  Brother Wilcox said, "Does that mean you can teach them to sew on a button during Sunday School? Yes it does." Wow.  That sounds awesome!  Other ideas were budgeting, balancing a check book, filling out a tithing slip, teach them how to pay fast offerings (only 10% of missionaries have ever paid a fast offering), 5 minutes reading scriptures then share, teach them how to use the Topical Guide - have them look up a scripture on a certain topic and then memorize the scripture.

It was such a great meeting.  I did see my bishop there.  He gave me a ride back to my car so I didn't need to make the random strangers backtrack.  Pretty crazy, but I'm glad I was able to figure out how to get there.  My bishop also went to the wrong building, but he went to a different wrong building.  He said there were 200 people there, but no speaker.  Oh boy.

Mike got home late tonight.  The Elders Quorum went to see Enders Game today.  I was hoping to see it with Mike before tonight, but that never ended up happening.  Mike loved it and said he would be more than happy to see it again.  Now just to find some time.

Chelsea's birthday is tomorrow.  Because I'm leaving pretty early I gave her present to her today.  Just some candy and lotion that has helped her with the pain in her hand from painting.  She was really happy to get it.  I'm glad it has helped!

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