Saturday, May 31, 2014


Mike drove the motorhome with all our kids and Max.  My dad and I drove home separately.  I stopped at Huntsman to see Heather.  She had her mastectomy yesterday.  She looked fantastic!  She was wide awake and very happy when I stopped by.  She was doing so well they were planning on releasing her from the hospital today.  I was in the hospital for a week!  Well, I had both surgeries at the same time and I got a fever so they wouldn't let me go home.  Anyway, she seems to have a pretty high tolerance for pain.  Many people told her to make sure she takes her pain medicine for the first few days, even if she thinks she doesn't need it.  I remember the first two months after my surgery as extremely painful.  It was so great to see her looking so well.  I'm so proud of her.

The most noticeable change to our house while we were gone is the upstairs bathroom.  The sink is gone and the toilet is out.  It looks pretty discussing right now.  Hope that won't last long.  I'm not sure what next week will be like.  I know Rob will be out of town for the entire week.
A few months ago we let Maysen quit piano lessons on the condition that she takes voice lessons.  She has been taking them for almost two months from Sister Newman who lives down our street.  They had a recital today.  Maysen sang, "Nothing" and did a really good job.  She was noticeably shaking for the last half of the song.  I was so worried for her!  You couldn't tell it in her voice though.  She sat down and whispered, "Did you notice me shaking?  I'm just glad I didn't fall over!"  What a good experience for her.
My family came over for dinner.  Sloppy Joes.  We had the pool up and running.  Our heater is on the fritz, so it wasn't as warm as normal, but it wasn't cold at all.  The kids seemed to have a great time.
Matt and Anne
Our scuba certification cards came in today.  Mike picked them up along with a scuba tank.  He had ordered his BCD and regulator stuff already.  He gets really excited about things.  He had fun playing scuba in the pool with Jorja.  She was breathing off the alternate air supply.
Jorja & Mike
 Scuba Mike
I kept trying to get a good picture of Abby.  She has this beautiful smile. When I would ask her to smile she would squint her eyes.  Actually all the pictures are cute, so here you go....
Bubs & Abbs
 She was a little nervous about the diving board
 Bubs and Abbs
 Matt and Anne
My dad has these weird giant bumps on his arms.  They remind me of giant hives.  He keeps scratching them.  I begged him to get some Benadryl on the way home.  I hope he did.  I hope it helps.  Matt, Mike and I played a game of Dominion.  Matt won.  That was disappointing.

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