Friday, August 8, 2014

Day with Bubs' Kids

I watched Bubs kids today.  Bubs and Ange went hiking at Timpanogos Cave.  They took the tour that only five people are allowed to take a day.  It was a caving tour that they got to slide on their bellies.  We got to watch their kids while they were gone.  It was nice to have Matt here with me.  The day went by pretty fast.  I even won Dominion!  The last game we played too!  I am the current Dominion champion!

Once Mike got home we packed up the camper and headed down to Provo with Bubs' kids.  Millie looked a little scared as we started driving.  The motorhome has a latch that hooks the carseat up really well.  We stayed at a campground by Utah Lake.  We were hoping that there would be a good beach to play in nearby.  There was not.  It would be a great campground for boating, but we did not have a boat. The kids had fun though.  Bubs, Ange and Millie slept in their car. Their seats fold down flat and they were able to put a mattress down. They really liked that.  Their three older kids slept with us.  I think they loved it.

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