Sunday, August 17, 2014

Shiny Floors, Crashing Lights

Mike ended up pulling over at a Flying J just outside of Utah.  He went back and slept with Stockton. I'm so glad he did that.  We were able to leave bright and early in the morning feeling refreshed and ready for the ride.  Once we got home, we were so excited to see what our floors looked like.  Here they are!  The house is starting to come back together.  We were able to bring up the couch from the basement and the piano from the computer room.  Both of them were just shoved in there making both rooms hard to deal with.  It is so nice to have our living room back!  Granted, Mike still needs to finish the fireplace wall, baby steps....
Mike and I were making dinner in the kitchen.  Mike had started to set the table, but only had put silverware out.  Out of nowhere one of our lights exploded, started smoking and rained glass down everywhere. So glad we weren't eating dinner.  Stockton would not have enjoyed that experience at all!

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