Sunday, September 21, 2014


John and his family left this morning around 9:00.  Brett, Matt and I worked on cleaning Grandma's house.  I took a few pictures before we left.  One picture I found in a book by my grandma's tv.  I love it!
Grandma & Grandpa
The other is a picture my grandparents have hanging in the spare room upstairs.  They always called it, "Harriett's Room".  At least that is what they always referred to it when talking to me.  My dad gave this collage to them shortly after my mom died.  It makes me laugh because he was just focusing on my mom.  For example, in the family picture in the middle Bubs' head is cut off.  You can only see the top of Matt & John's heads as well.  So funny!
I was able to take a few flowers home.  We put them in the shower of the motorhome and they all stayed upright.  I think we had the perfect amount of flowers, any less and they would have tipped over.
The drive home was great.  Matt, Brett and I played Dominion.  The piles kept moving.  We will have to come up with some kind of tray so we can play it easier while we are moving.  It started raining really hard the last hour of our trip.  After we dropped Matt off in Brigham City.  I walked back to get something and noticed a lot of water on our floor. We think water was coming up from underneath.  It was weird because I would wipe up the water and watch as more water would come under the cabinets.  The water wasn't coming from the sinks, fridge or shower.  We have had the motorhome out in the rain before, but this is the first time we have driven while it was raining.  It's too bad because some of our cabinetry was effected by the water.

On the way back my dad texted us and asked if he could bring up dinner.  Of course!  He brought up spaghetti.  Bubs' family came. Mostly to get Abby's 'fuzzy'.  Abby left her blanket that she loves at Grandma's house and was so excited to get it back!  We then stopped by my mom's grave and put some flowers from my Grandma's funeral on them.  It was lovely.
 Ella & Amelia
 Ella, Lincoln, Millie
 Ella, Abigail, Lincoln, Amelia
 Dad, Stephanie, Spencer, Brett
Matt came by later and was able to play a few more games with us.  We played Pillage and Plunder.  I almost won in a sloop!  I couldn't get a schooner, so I just started attacking merchants.  I was an enemy of every nation.  I had $22,800 when the navy sunk me to the bottom. Only $2,200 away from winning!  I can't believe earlier in the game I had a cartographer in my hand and forgot to play it before I rolled a 3 on a treasure hunt.  Then I would have been victorious!  It would have been amazing!  Mike ended up winning the game, so I guess it wasn't too terrible.

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