Saturday, September 6, 2014

Video Games LIVE

A few years ago Mike took Stockton to see Video Games LIVE.  They loved it and have wanted to go back ever since.  Video Games LIVE is a tour where the local symphony plays video game music while different pictures are played on the screen.  Mike was excited to take the entire family.  We got tickets for this months ago.
Mike and Jorja
I was able to take a lot of pictures of Stockton.  For his AP Geography class he can get extra credit if he takes a picture of himself in front of different landmarks and writes a couple paragraphs about it. Abravanel Hall was one of the places on the list.  Lucky for me I got a lot of pictures of him without any complaints.
Stockton ~ Abravanel Hall
 Stockton, Maysen, Preston, Jorja, Mike
 Stockton, Maysen, Stephanie, Jorja, Preston
Porge, why must you always close your eyes?
 Preston, Mike, Stockton, Jorja, Maysen
I loved how you could see the temple from here.
This morning Preston decided he wanted to dress up.  Mike was able to dig up his Emolga costume he wore a few years ago.  Preston was excited to be chosen to go on stage.
The parade started before I realized it.  I was still in the lobby with the kids.  When I realized it had started we hurried as fast as we could.  We missed Preston.  Boo!  Mike said he was so cute saying, "Emolga from Pokemon!"  Turns out a lot of people thought he was cute too because he made the finals.  It was judged by cheering.  Maybe 25 people were being judged, he made it to the top 5.  Then they did cheering just for the finalists.  I'm pretty sure he got 2nd place.  He was thrilled.
The music was beautiful, it was just all pieces I have never heard before.  Except Tetris.  That was the only video game I recognized.  I really wanted to hear Mario music.  That would have been fun.  Well, there was Space Invaders.  They picked someone from the audience and he played the game on screen while the symphony played the music of what was happening.  That was fun!  He had to run back in forth instead of using a traditional controller.  I was also hoping to hear Pong.  That would have been quick and easy and fun.  I know they did that last time.  Probably didn't want it to be the exact same show.  The guy that started Video Games LIVE said they chose what to play based on the feedback for their Facebook page.  Boo!  If we had known to do that!  Everything was major shooting games and horror games.

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