Tuesday, September 2, 2014


I woke up early to go exercising.  Tuesday mornings they have a strength training class that has stations.  It is hard, but I really like it. Today Bobby wanted us to get partners.  Luckily I was able to partner up with Alisha.  She wanted us to do one minute on, one minute off. She told us to push ourselves as hard as we could for the minute on. We had paper where we could write how many our partner did.  There were 10 stations, once we finished that Bobby was going to show us the new exercises to do at those 10 stations.  I was lucky and Alisha went first. That way I knew the score I wanted to beat.  I did several times and got close on everything else except these push up things.  Towards the end of the first round I started not feeling well.  Our last exercise was mountain climbers.  I went so fast!  I think I did about 75 in a minute. That is a lot for me.  We got a few minutes to sit while Bobby explained the next exercises.  While we sat my legs cramped up so bad!  Oh boy did I hurt!  Plus I didn't feel well.  I thought there would be no way I could go another round.  Alisha asked me if I wanted to go first.  I did not!  When she finished I told her I couldn't make it anymore.  I asked Bobby if she could count for Alisha and I left.  I have never left a class before!  It was lucky I did because I hobbled my way to the restroom and immediately threw up.  I was extremely dizzy.  I wondered how I would make it home, but I managed.  I crawled into bed as soon as I got home and told Mike he needed to get Jorja to school.  Luckily Maysen and Stockton were taking the bus because they had late start today. Maysen was also able to get Preston out the door for me.  Mike took Jorja to school super early.  Almost an hour early.  Poor girl.  I felt miserable the rest of the day.  I was able to sleep and by the time I needed to go to Young Womens I was functioning pretty well.  I did leave the house to go get Jorja's contacts.  I went all that way and they were not there.  The girl asked if I had been called.  I told her I had stopped by twice already.  The second time they told me they were at the other store and would send them over the next morning.  That was more than a week ago.  She told me I could get them at the other store or wait until tomorrow evening.  I explained that Jorja needed the contacts now and I was sick and in no condition to be driving at all. She felt pity on me and gave me a trial pair.  I would have skipped Young Womens except it was a joint activity and the Beehives were in charge. Luckily Kristen was doing the entire thing.  She taught the Beehives different yoga poses and they taught the girls.  It turned out great and I was so happy to hide out in the back.  Well, that is a long, rambly paragraph about my dad.  Glad that one is in the books!

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