Tuesday, October 7, 2014


I am in pieces.  I am emotionally spent.  I am broken.  I laid at my mom's grave for an hour and a half today and bawled my eyes out.  I want her back.  I begged her to not be dead.  I need her.  I have nothing left inside.  The worst thing is the people that live with me have not caused any of the hurt I am now feeling, yet they are left to suffer with a broken wife and mother.  I don't know how I will put myself back together.  I assume I will because I have to, but today I am a broken mess.

I left my mom's grave and made my way back home.  As I stepped up to the door my cousin Heather called me.  Perfect timing.  I needed her. Then before I hung up with Heather, Mike came home to surprise me for lunch.  He knew I was having a hard day and didn't want me to feel completely alone.  It was awesome.  I know there are people out there that still love me.  I am awfully hurt inside and still feel shattered, but like Scarlett O'Hara said, "Tomorrow is another day".  


  1. Love you Stephanie! I've been thinking about you all day.

  2. Thank you Heather. You are much appreciated. Love you too!

  3. Sorry things are so rough right now. I hope you feel better soon. Love you.

