Thursday, October 16, 2014


We hit the road about 5 am.  It was nice because Mike and I just climbed down from the overhead bed and drove away.  We got two or three hours under our belt before the others woke up.  We had run out of water in the motorhome, so flushing toilets was a little tricky.  Mike and I kept looking for somewhere we could fill up.  He even pulled off the road at two different places he thought would work.  No such luck. Then out of nowhere we came to this great rest area.  They had free dumping/water filling station.  It was great!  It also had a McDonalds, so we let the kids get breakfast from there.  Mike wasted no time putting on his Oregon sticker.  He was pretty excited about that.
 New map piece!
Mike talked me into driving for a bit.  This is the first time I have ever driven that thing!  It is so scary!  Well, not really, I'm just more worried I'm going to do something to ruin Mike's favorite toy.  I drove for a bit until it looked like we were coming to construction.  I did not want to do that!  I pulled off the freeway exit and Mike took my place.  We got back on the freeway and the construction was over.  It was just for that one exit.  Whoops.  I am glad I didn't need to drive through Portland. The roads were narrow and the streets were busy.  It was a little nerve wracking, but nothing like San Francisco!
Stephanie's first time driving
We got to Cassie's house around 1:30.  We dropped off Ange with her three kids and unloaded everything that didn't belong to us.  Well, we tried.  We ended up driving off with one of Bubs' pillows and Lincoln's headphones.  Mike took a quick shower while we were unloading everything.  We left as quickly as we could and continued our trip to Washington.  Stockton hasn't been back to Washington since we moved when he was 21 months old.  This is Preston's first time in Washington. Jorja went with me when she was a baby.
New map piece!
We got to Great Wolf Lodge around 3:00.  My kids were so excited!  We went to Great Wolf Lodge in Virginia about five years ago.  All of the kids have been begging to go back.  We are only staying one night here, but they let you play around the day you check in and the day you leave. This giant balloon spider was in the front lobby area.  Wow Jorja!  Try making that!  (Not really, please don't try....that would be a lot of balloons.)
There is a giant indoor water park that I think is amazing.  My kids are more excited about MagiQuest.  The kids each had their own wand from five years ago.  We also had been to MagiQuest in Myrtle Beach, so there is a lot of information stored in their wands.  Mike and I have had our own wands for awhile that Mike bought off the internet. Maysen changed her wand name from May to Yakima.  Jorja changed her name from Mario to Silver.  I can't remember what Stockton had his name set to, but Preston's was set to Mischief.  That name suits him!  Mike and I had our wands set to Lord and Lady Elsinore. Although they spelled Elsinore wrong.  I went back and got the right spelling on my wand.  Mike didn't get his changed.

Preston was so little the last time we played MagiQuest.  I followed him around and we did our tasks together.  He loved it!  These pictures are from our sun/moon/star quest.
These next pictures are of Maysen.  She is trying to slay the red dragon. Usually she likes dragons, but this one is mean!  Plus it is pretty fun. The podium in front of her has different ruins she has earned.  She uses the protection ruin while the dragon is attacking her with fire. Then she will freeze the dragon and the last step is to fire an ice arrow at him while he is frozen.  She will repeat this until she is victorious!
Maysen in battle.  Preston watching wearing wolf ears.
 The life is displayed on the corner things with the sphere on top.
 Maysen's life is on the left and the dragon's life is on the right.
Maysen has frozen the dragon and is about to shoot an ice arrow at him.  She wins this round!  Once you figure out how to do it, it is pretty easy.  The silver dragon is much harder!

When we decided to take a break from MagiQuest we headed to the pool.  Preston and I went down these tube rides over and over.  They were so fast!  It was great!  He was laughing so hard.  We were in a double tube and I would hold on to him with my feet as best I could. One time he went down the entire slide with his hands up over his head!  We were zooming and the ride was completely dark with random lasers.  So much fun!

Next up was dinner time!  It was pretty late and we were hungry when we finished with the pool.  The restaurant in the hotel was about to close, but they let us in to see what they had.  They weren't going to put any new stuff out though.  It looked pretty tasty and we were going to go for it.  Luckily I saw the price before we pulled the trigger.  $18 a person!  Yikes!  Especially for just the left overs.  That changed our mind quickly.  There was also a pizza place, so we did that.  Filled us up and most of the kids probably liked it better anyway!

We went back to our room to get in jammies and read scriptures.  Then we let the kids play MagiQuest until 10:00.  That is when they turn off the sensors.  It is so fun watching a ton of kids running around the hotel waving magic wands.  My kids are in heaven!

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