Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Today was a crazy busy day.  Stockton had a CCR today.  College Career Readiness.  Stockton was annoyed because they scheduled it at 1:20, right during his French class.  He said, "Why couldn't it be during computer science where we literally do nothing!"  His counselor was running late, so we waited about 25 minutes before it was our turn.  Stockton had to fill out a form.  One of the questions asked what was his favorite class.  I told him to do it like Apples to Apples.  Cross out the ones he doesn't like until there is only one left.  He ended up with 3-D animation as his favorite class.  They have just started working with the 3-D stuff and he really likes it.  He didn't like the 2-D flash stuff.  Neither did Maysen.  Stockton's counselor said that she thinks they have a Video Games Programing major, or that they might be getting one soon.  That would be awesome!  I asked her about the different CTEC classes.  They might also be getting a video games programing class there.  Stockton really liked that idea!

We had a Chinese Immersion meeting at the middle school for Jorja.  I was a little late, but still made it.  Next year Jorja should have 1 1/2 Chinese classes.  This year she has 2 1/2 classes.  I hope they can still progress as fast as they should with less class time.  Mr. Chen is going to be her teacher again, so that is fantastic.  Jorja is right where she should be as far as the language goes.  Chinese Immersion is the coolest program!  I wish Maysen and Stockton got to experience it.

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