Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Preston earned his Bobcat today.  He has been in scouts for one week. It is nice that this one can be earned so quickly.  They aren't having pack meeting in December, so Preston really wanted to be able to get it at this one.  Preston's den was also in charge of the flag ceremony. They had practiced a little, but Preston was still nervous and not sure what to do.  It turned out just fine and he was adorable.
Judy, Preston, Griffin, Aiden
 Judy, Kanani, Sue
Preston, Griffin, Braxton (all getting their Bobcat)
 Sue, Mike, Stephanie, Preston
Yep, Sue's no fun at all.  Just kidding!  Preston already adores her.  She is the greatest.  She also lives on our street so Preston can just walk to scouts.  So different from when Stockton was this age!
Preston giving me the Bobcat mom's pin
Stephanie & Preston ~ I love this one!  That's my baby! 
I was glad Mike was able to get here in time.  He walked in right as Preston was starting the flag ceremony and managed to get a few pictures.  He was helping Maysen, Stockton and Jorja get the things they needed for the combined activity today.  It was raking leaves, but they were supposed to bring headlamps and gloves.  I forgot to let Mike know that when I took Preston to Joshua's house to give him the webkinz that he left at Preston's party.  Crazy day, but everyone got where they needed to be and it turned out okay.

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