Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Eiffel Tower

I headed to Opera Garnier this morning.  It was about an hour away. I'm getting a lot better at knowing my way around.  I'm also really enjoying the walks I have.  I was pretty sure I wasn't going to go inside.  It wasn't covered with my All Museums pass.  The people at dinner last night told me it was beautiful.  They also said that there was this shopping center that had a beautiful upside down Christmas tree.  I don't know why that sounded so interesting to me, but it did.  Wow!  It was SO PRETTY!  I took pictures, but you can't tell how beautiful it was.
The one problem about this plan was I get overwhelmed when I go shopping at home.  This was 1000 times worse!  So many stores packed so close together and everything was in French!  The bottom floor was the worst!  I'm sure it would be many peoples dream.  There were a lot of familiar names.  Louis Vatton, Kate Spade, Dior.  I'm not sure what the names mean, except I'm pretty sure they are expensive!  I walked through the mall for a bit.  On the top floor was a store where I bought a few trinkets to take home, then I decided to get out of there!  The Christmas tree was worth it though.
I then made it to Opera Garnier, but I just walked around the outside.  I figured I'm not that interested in the opera, it wasn't worth 9 euros to me.  I walked toward the Louvre area, hoping it would go better than yesterday!  It wasn't nearly as scary.  Even though I didn't know where I was I knew I was in a fancier neighborhood.  Again the names on the stores were super pricy names.  I just can't really remember them.  I was excited when I came to the Minecraft statue.  I know that is not the name of it, but doesn't it look like it belongs in Minecraft?
I saw this statue when I got lost leaving the Louvre a few days ago.  I was pretty sure this was in part of the gigantic garden area in front of the Louvre.  Yay!  This is where I wanted to end up.
 I walked past hula hoop guy
And made it to Orangerie Museum.  I knew that Claude Monet's water lilies were there.  I thought that would be as good as anything to see today.  I went downstairs first and looked at random paintings.  They had some Renoirs and Pacassos.  I went and found the water lilies last. W-O-W!  They were amazing!  I loved them!  I had no idea I would like them so much.  They were gigantic murals that covered two different rooms.  Maybe I can take Mike back there before we leave.
A lady stopped me and asked if I would take her picture, so then I had her take a picture of me.  This is outside the Orangerie Museum.  You can see the Eiffel Tower in the background.
I kind of like this picture.  It is hard to see, but there is the Eiffel Tower on the left and the Arc de Triomphe on the right.  Really hard to see though.
Mike had his big presentation today.  He said it went really well.  Yay! I'm glad he is happy with how it turned out.  Several people wanted to be able to ask him questions later.  That's a good sign.  When Mike got back from his meetings, we decided to go to the Eiffel Tower.  It is so pretty at night!  We had planned to walk up the stairs to the second floor.  400 stairs.  Too bad they close the stair walking at 6:00.  The tower is open until 11:30, but we didn't want to wait in line.  We are planning on going back tomorrow.  
My friend Megan told me her favorite crepes were at the bottom of the Eiffel Tower.  We found a crepe stand while we were coming here.  We ordered a ham, egg and cheese crepe and a chocolate banana crepe.  The banana one was pretty good, but the other I didn't like very much.  As we were leaving we saw another crepe stand.  This had to be the one Megan was talking about!  It was so much better!  First, they make your crepes fresh.  Most of the stands already have the crepes made and they just warm them up.  They also had a ton of choices for toppings.  I got a chocolate ice cream crepe.  (The ice cream was strawberry/vanilla).  It was delicious!  Mike decided to get a chocolate banana waffle.  I can't wait to go back and get more crepes there tomorrow!
The Eiffel Tower glitters every hour for 10 minutes.  It is really pretty.  Mike took a video, but the internet is pretty slow.  I will put that up another day.  This has already taken me an hour and a half to work on.  No wonder why I'm so far behind!  Mike has been asleep for quite awhile.  He has had several busy days.  He doesn't need to go to many meetings tomorrow, so we will get to play!  Yay!

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