Saturday, November 1, 2014

To France!

I was up until about 2 am last night/this morning.  I got a small book for each of my kids and one for my dad.  I wrote day by day what they needed to do while we were gone.  I had no idea it would take me that long.  I probably should have typed it out, it would have gone much faster.  I was worried they would lose papers and I'm hoping they will keep track of this little book.  Even though it took me forever, I know I will enjoy this trip much better.  I was hoping to go to my exercise class this morning, but I stayed up way too late to be able to handle that!  My dad came and picked us up about 9:00.  I'm so sad that I can't find my ds.  I know it's silly, but I was really looking forward to getting street passes from France.  Especially since I will be by myself for a few days, I knew this was something I would really have fun with.  We're pretty sure I left it in the car when we dropped it off at the shop.  Dang it! Now I understand how frustrated Stockton was when he couldn't find his ds before we left on our cruise last Christmas.  Getting street passes at the airport is pretty fun.  I tried to talk my kids into letting me take theirs, but they did not like that idea at all.

Our first flight was to Detroit.  For some reason our seat assignments were changed.  Mike and I both had window seats.  He sat behind me. Neither of us had anyone sit next to us.  (The isle seat was occupied, but not the middle one.)  It wasn't that long of a flight and Mike had to work on his presentation anyway, so it worked out.  I had fun looking out the window.  Clouds from above are so pretty.
Circle rainbow
 Hole in the cloud
I wasn't able to watch the BYU game, but I was able to see the score.  It is nice to finally have a win! Several of my friends are at that game.  I'm glad it turned out well for them.  We were on the second flight for about seven hours, but with the time difference we arrived Sunday morning. The plane was new.  We doubled the miles the plane had with this flight.  The seats were so comfortable!  Although it was still hard to sleep.  There was more leg room, so that was nice.  Mike loved that every seat had a usb port and an outlet.  He had his laptop plugged in and was able to work more on his presentation.  That was nice.  They sure fed us a lot too.  I guess it helps pass the time.

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