Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Almost Ready

As soon as Mike came home from work we hurried to finish our last minute Christmas preparations.  We stopped by both of our Dad's houses to drop off a Christmas gift.  It was a family picture taken two years ago.  That's how awesome and on top of things we are.  We also found a picture of Maysen when she was about one.  It was taken at Mike's old house.  We gave it to Scoop and Sharen a long time ago. They had it hanging in their house for a long time.  After we moved Scoop couldn't find the picture.  He thought we had taken it.  Obviously we didn't.  We had a digital copy of it.  We finally got around to looking through all of our files and we were able to find it.  It took awhile because it was labeled under a different year.  I think it was in a file before Maysen was born.  I sure do wish I was organized!  Anyway, Scoop seemed to really like it.  I'm glad we were able to find it for him.

Scoop and Cori came over tonight with gifts for the kids.  Also for us. They gave us a $50 gift certificate to Outback Steakhouse.  The kids each got socks and $50 gift certificates from JC Penney.  They are in desperate need for clothes, so that will be great!

We are going to open most of our Christmas presents tomorrow.  Mike is planning on pulling an all-nighter to get everything ready.  I'm sure glad I'm not him!

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