Sunday, December 28, 2014

Back Home

We spent the morning cleaning up the cabin.  We really tried to leave it spotless.  I hope we were successful.  It was a little tricky getting out of the parking lot, but luckily we managed.  It is always sad driving away from the cabin.  I sure do love it there.  I love that my kids love it there too.  We made it to Grandpa's house about 3:30, but he wasn't there. He was at church.  Too bad.  The roads were a little dicey on the way home.  I think they were okay until I took over driving.  I started a little before Malad.  The weather was quite snowy and it was really hard to see.  We saw a major four car accident and we're grateful we weren't involved in it.  As much as I love the cabin it was so nice to be home!  It will be nice to have an entire week with the kids before they need to go back to school.  I need to spend the next week trying to get back under control!  It sure has been crazy around here!

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