Sunday, December 21, 2014

Last Day of Gingerbread Factory

We had our ward Christmas program today during sacrament meeting.  I couldn't believe it when I saw Blake and Miles walking to church with their mom.  They looked so handsome!  I ran over to them and walked with them the rest of the way.  I asked Blake's mom, Rebecca, if she got my text about scouts.  Blake turns 8 at the end of this month.  She laughed and said she was landing in Chicago when she received it and forgot about it until now.  Brother Johnson was waiting for her inside. He is the ward mission leader.  He and his wife saved them a seat.  I found Sister Beaudoin and asked if she would come introduce herself. Brother Johnson had a mild panic attack when I brought her over.  He whispered, "Let me talk to Sue first, she (Rebecca) is not active at all." I laughed and said, "I know, but I have talked to her about scouts before."  Sister Beaudoin has an amazing ability to put people at ease. She is awesome!  Preston adores her.  She has the scouts call her Sue because it is much easier for them.  I told Rebecca that I was being completely selfish bringing Sue over.  I really want Blake to take scouts with Preston.  Preston would love it!

Our ward has a cool Christmas program every year.  They have anyone who could play an instrument do a medley of songs.  This year Jorja was in it.  They had practices after church every week.  Jorja was so nervous!  Right as they started playing Rachael accidentally knocked Jorja's stand over.  I saw Rachael mouth, "I'm sorry!" to her.  Rachael is Stockton's age.  Mike snuck over and put her stand back while she was playing.  Rachael's mom stayed there and told Mike she would make sure it didn't fall again.  Besides that little adventure, it sounded great! Most people didn't even notice Jorja's stand.

We went to Becky's house for Young Women.  Becky had a hot chocolate bar set up for the girls.  They got to pick up their mug we had made for them.  We watched a short Christmas movie while we were there.  It was a pretty fun lesson!  Too bad Jorja didn't have fun.  She was complaining about being really cold, so Maysen gave her her coat. Jorja fell asleep on Becky's couch.  Once she was home she fell asleep until people came over for gingerbread houses.  She had made a chocolate chip house to decorate.  She decorated it for a bit and then went back to the couch to sleep.  I didn't even want to make her take a picture.  Good thing I have pictures of her with her other two houses this year!

Gingerbread Factory was with my family today.  We had a lot of fun. The kids loved it.  Abby cracks me up.  She is so full of joy!  I didn't get pictures of the decorating, but here is the final results.
Abby photobombing Lincoln!  Haha!  That's a change!
Abby ~ have you ever seen anything more adorable than this?
Bubs & Millie
Matt, Anne, Sam
What an adorable family!
I love my gingerbread molds.  I have looked and looked for another one.  I would love to get a new mold each year to add to my collection. It would be cool to have a village with different looking houses.  The mold I have is silicone, and I want to stick with that.  A few weeks ago I found a new mold!  I was so excited!  It came in time for me to use it today.  Too bad the mold made a super small house!  I should have looked at the dimensions more carefully.  Maysen and Preston were excited to try it out though.  It is not easier to make the smaller house, it just uses less dough.  I'm kind of disappointed.  At least their houses turned out really cute.
He's adorable
Yay!  Another successful season of gingerbread!  I am exhausted.  It is good that this only happens once a year.  I need a year to recuperate!

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