Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year's Eve

Once Mike got home from work we headed up to Steve and Shannon's. The kids love spending New Year's with their cousins.  Stockton mentioned several times how this is his favorite holiday.  The cousins got a giant inflatable ball for Christmas.  That was pretty fun.  I have a few pictures of all of the kids in it, but the pictures all pretty much look the same.  Preston loved hitting the ball with a sword with Mike inside.
Preston and Mike
We had a lot of food and played a lot of games.  It was just a really nice, relaxing night.  While we were here I mentioned to Erica that Maysen is thinking about doing an internship with Sam next year.  Her eyes got so big and she said, "Do you think she would do something like that for me?"  I made sure she was serious before I texted Sam.  Erica was VERY serious.  Haha!  Erica wants to be an editor, so this would be perfect for her.  I got a text back from Sam saying to have her call anytime.  She even said she could call right now.  Erica ran to get her phone.  Then she asked me if I could resend Sam's phone number.  I thought, "That's weird, I guess it didn't come through."  I looked through my messages and realized I sent Erica's number to Sam instead of the other way around.  Whoops!  Anyway, Erica is going to talk to her counselor on Monday to see if this would be a possibility.  I hope it works out for her!
Stockton, getting ready for the final countdown
 Maysen loves to jump into the new year.
She does this every year.
 This year I got a picture and I LOVE it!
 Happy New Year!
Mike, Preston, Maysen, Stephanie, Jorja, Stockton
 Jacob, Erica, Steve, Shannon, Weston, Brandon, Oscar
Weston trying SO HARD not to smile!
 Maysen....that can't be comfortable

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