Tuesday, December 9, 2014

White Elephant

Today we had a white elephant gift exchange for the youth and their leaders.  This was my gift.
I even signed it.  Too bad Isaac had the same idea, and they opened Isaac's first!  Johny got my gift.  I had hidden a $5 bill in the back, so I told him to make sure his mom helped him find it.
Maysen's first gift was a Hobbit pez set.  I was hoping to get it so bad! Her gift got stolen, but I was planning on stealing it back.  My number was 25.  Number 24 stole it for the 2nd time so I could not steal it again!  Boo Jeanette!  Instead I stole a giant dog from Hadley-Kate. Maysen's next prize that she opened was a magic lamp.  She really liked it.  Awhile later that got stolen from her too!  Maysen stole my dog (2nd steal, could not be stolen again) and I stole back her lamp!  Jorja ended up with a snowman music thing and Stockton got an annoying blower horn.  Thanks Becky!  James got Maysen's lizards, Logan got Jorja's baby toys (which were stolen by Bishop Valentine and then stolen again by Josh Yauney) and Olivia Bruce got Stockton's games. We ended the night with donuts.  Pretty fun!

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