Monday, January 5, 2015

Wrong Bus

Poor Preston took the wrong bus home today.  I was watching out the window looking for him.  I told myself that I would wait until 4:00, then I would call the school.  About five minutes before four Preston called me.  Thank goodness he knows our phone number!  I taught it to him when we were doing "homeschool".  I'm so glad!  I could hear the worry in his voice when he was talking to me.  He said, "Mom, I missed the bus."  I told him it was okay and I would get him.  I just needed to know where he was.  Turns out he was at Walter's house.  Walter noticed Preston was on the wrong bus before Preston did.  Walter told Preston he was on the wrong bus and asked if he wanted to come home with him to call me.  I am so thankful for Walter.  He turned what could have been a traumatic experience into a funny story.  I was impressed that he noticed the problem, thought of a solution and followed through on that solution.  So thankful.  It took me about thirty minutes to get to Walter's house.  He lives a LONG ways away.  Preston waited outside for me the entire time.  Walter waited with him.  Amazing.  I can't imagine Preston being lost that far from home.  I was so glad to get my little boy back!

For Family Home Evening we talked about 2014 and things we remembered.  We talked about hard things we did and our favorite memories.  Jorja said that she didn't do anything hard in 2014.  I said, "What about Chinese?"  Mike said, "You went to a new school and your friends went to a different school.  You had to make new friends, that was hard."  Jorja burst into tears.  She cried and cried.  She couldn't even talk.  It was so sad.  Poor little girl.

Preston's paper was cute.   His favorite activity is scouts.  His greatest lesson he learned was casting a fishing pole.  The hardest thing he did was catching a lepord trout.  What he loved about 2014 was his Baptism!  (That's how he wrote it.  Baptism!)  In 2015 he wants to learn Chineese.  He wants to get better at sewing.  (That's random) His goal for 2015 is to Beat super mario galaxy.  Sounds like a worthy goal.  Kind of goes along with Stockton's 2015 goal 'punch out Mike Tyson'.  At least he added 4.0 GPA.  I love my family.

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