Thursday, February 5, 2015

Anne and Idaho

Jorja and Preston had the day off of school. Jorja REALLY wanted to watch Anne.  I watch Anne about one Thursday a month.  When Matt was making his new semester Anne schedule I asked if we could watch her on the 5th.  Jorja was so excited!  Wow.  It is so much easier watching Anne when Jorja is home! 

Anne is getting to be a lot of fun.  She is walking now, which is great! The only problem with watching Anne with Jorja home is then Anne doesn't like e at all.  Whenever I come near her she will forcefully say, "No! No! No! No! No!"  It is really funny.  She always dives to have Jorja hold her.  Even when her Mom is around.  She also can say Jorja's name, which is adorable.  Jorja loved feeding her and wanted to be the one to put her down for naps.  I told Jorja to let me do the naps, she could do the fun stuff; that way Anne would always associate her with fun!
Anne and Jorja riding a bee scooter
I finished making welcome cupcakes for Sue.  I thought she would think that was fun.  Jorja and Preston wrote on the card we gave her. Preston's made me laugh.  "Hope that Stephanie will be good at it!"  Me too Preston!  Me too!  Jorja, Preston, Anne and I walked down the street to Sue's house.  Sue loved the visit.  Sue loves everything.
Maysen had asked Jorja if she could get Zeke out to play for awhile. Zeke climbed on my head.  It felt really weird.  Zeke is always on Maysen's head.  I guess he likes being up high.
 Stephanie and Zeke
I was able to get packed up while Anne was here.  It was nice to be able to get a lot of things done.  Mike and Sam came home around the same time.  Sam took Anne home and Mike finished up the last bit of packing so we could leave.  We left for Idaho around 5:00.  We got to my grandpa's house around 9:30.

My grandpa doesn't look well at all.  He is starting to tell the same stories over and over, like Grandma did.  He told me at least five times that he prays every night to Heavenly Father and Lois (my grandma) that they will come take him, but they never do.  Sad.  Maysen would say things like, "We love you, Grandpa."  But I don't think he ever heard her.  My grandpa and I watched the BYU/Pepperdine game together.  BYU was doing so well until they choked at the end.  Most of my kids laid down in the living room through the game.  I know Preston slept through the entire thing downstairs.

We left for the cabin at 11:15.  Bubs was already there, so it was nice knowing we would have a arm cabin to sleep in.  We arrived past midnight.  Bubs waited for us and had the snowmobile ready to bring up our things.  We didn't get to sleep until 2:00.  LONG day!

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