Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Banned Books

Stockton and I went to the library today to get a banned book.  He had a two page list of different books.  He has to read a banned book for English.  He can choose from Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Their Eyes Were Watching God, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, The Giver, Gone With the Wind, Catch-22 . . . a lot of different choices.  We came home with The Kite Runner because that is one of the few we found at the library.  I had a handful of books at home as well.  Stockton had to look up why the book was banned.  I looked over his shoulder and told him his mom was now banning Kite Runner from him too.  I'm trying to talk him into reading Of Mice and Men.  Hopefully I'm successful.

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