Saturday, February 7, 2015

Everybody Loves Jorja

Jorja made pancakes this morning.  I tried a red hot chocolate chip pancake and it was delicious!  Bubs and Ange took their kids to Idaho Falls to see Grandpa.  We used that quiet time to do homework, go sledding, and play Ticket to Ride (German).  Jorja creamed everyone in the Ticket to Ride game.  When Bubs and Ange came back, they said Grandpa went to the hospital Thursday night.  What?  We had left his house after 11:00 Thursday night.  I wish I could have helped him.  On the plus side, they said Grandpa was happy and looked great.

Jorja decided she wanted to sleep on the pads in the kids room downstairs.  Ella wanted to sleep next to her.  When Preston saw them, he wanted to sleep on Jorja's other side.  Soon Abby came down and immediately wanted to sleep next to Jorja.  Both Ella and Preston wouldn't budge away from her.  Abby was sobbing, "But Jorja's mine!" That made me laugh.  Jorja is definitely loved in this family.  Finally Bubs came up with a satisfactory plan.  He pulled down Preston's pad a bit and slid a pad above Preston's head and next to Jorja's head.  That solved Abby's qualifications of being next to Jorja but not next to Ella; and it kept the other two next to Jorja.  Whew!

Maysen really wanted Stockton to learn how to play Pirates.  Mike, Maysen, Stockton, Bubs (and Lincoln) and Ange all played a game. Stockton did pretty well and had a good shot of winning until he got attacked by the Navy at the end of the game.  The thing that made me laugh most during the game was Mike went and got his Pillage and Plunder mug (that happened to be in first place) to drink during the game.  As he was coming back he sang, "Pirate mug!"  Immediately Maysen and Bubs jumped up and ran to the mugs.  Maysen got her mug in the first place spot before Bubs could.  It was so funny!

The thing that made Stockton laugh most during the game was when Mike said they should make Obamaopoly.  Then they were talking about all the different squares or cards for the game.  Like 'community chest' Give your chest of money to everyone else.  I can't remember them all but Stockton sure thought it was funny.  Ange ended up winning the game.  The cards ran out.  Ange only needed $100 to win the game outright.  Stockton wasn't too far behind her, but he had no way to earn money the last turn of the game.  I think he had fun, but he kept mentioning to me that this was a LONG game!


  1. Crazy that Stockton hadn't played that before. He ought to be ashamed.

  2. I know! It is really hard to get him to play games. Weird.
