Thursday, February 12, 2015

State Diving Competition

Stockton had his state diving competition today.  It was during school. He was not happy about that at all.  Stockton hates school, but he hates make-up work more.  He was able to go to the first part of his math class before I checked him out.  They were taking a test.  He will have to finish up next week.  The state meet was down at BYU.  Stockton did really well on all of his dives except one.  He hates the back dives.  He has been competing with a back one and a half.  It is his least favorite dive.  On the way up he told me that he guesses every time when to come out of the flip.  He hasn't figured out how to keep track of where he is in the air when he is going backwards.  Luckily he has always guessed right . . . until today.  He still was able to score the dive, but got the lowest scores he has received all season on one dive.  The rest of his dives went okay, it was just hard to get over that one bad dive. Stockton ended up finishing in 9th place.  Mike couldn't come, but they had the dive meet streaming over the Internet.  Mike watched it at work with his coworkers.  Stockton was pretty embarrassed that they saw his bad dive.  Before bed Mike pulled up the dive meet to show Stockton.  We watched all of his dives except his back one and a half.  It was great that he could see he did better than he remembered.  It was also funny to listen to the commentators, who really didn't have any idea what they were talking about.  First, they spelled Stockton's name STOCKTEN. Who spells it like that?  They talked about how there were a lot of divers from Hunter High School, when the big group of divers were from Herriman High School.  When Stockton came to the board they said, "He looks like a 9th grader."  We laughed so hard at that! When he did his inward flip half twist they said, "I have never seen that dive before....  Very unusual dive.....  He did it about as well as it could be done."  Kimble was on his last dive, I think, when they said if this dive is good he can rest easy and would be hard to beat.  Haha!  Everyone knew Kimble would win!  He is amazing, crazy good.  He probably could have flopped two dives and still won the meet!  Anyway, I am so proud of Stockton.  Even though today didn't go exactly like he hoped, I am proud of him for trying.  I'm proud of him for choosing dives that are hard, that he knew had the potential of messing up.  I am proud he pushed himself.  He has improved so much these last three months. He is so fun to watch!  I love it!

I met my dad at Bubs house around 5:30.  My dad is watching Bubs kids while Bubs and Ange have a quick getaway.  I think they are up at Daniels Summit.  Anyway, my dad teaches a class on Thursday so I said I would watch the kids while he did that.  Things went great until 7:00 when it was time to get Millie to bed.  Ella, Abby and Millie all share the same room.  I went down to get Millie some pajamas and the door was locked.  Lincoln and Ella carry their door keys around their neck.  I asked Ella if she could unlock the door.  She didn't lock it.  Someone had locked it and left her key inside.  I was not amused.  At first I thought we could figure a way out of this.  Lincoln said last time that happened his mom got into the room with his tool box.  He brought me the tools he used and told me how she did it.  I told Lincoln that there was no way that worked because I would break the door.  Then he said, "Wait!  That was my room she broke into.  It looks like my room has a bigger gap."  I called Bubs hoping they had an extra key lying around. The call just went to voice mail.  Finally after an hour I decided to get the older three into bed, all in Lincoln's room.  Lincoln said he had a 9:00 bedtime.  I told him that tonight he didn't.  They could read in bed, but there was no way I would be able to get Millie asleep if they were out and about.  I made a bed for Millie in the upstairs playroom with blankets.  I was not hopeful for this.  Judging by how well Millie sleeps at the cabin I knew my dad would be in for a long night.  I gave Millie her tablet while I did some dishes and cleaned up the Valentine paraphernalia spread around the house.  The kids had their Valentine's parties today because there is no school for them tomorrow.  About 9:00 I went into the play room and got the tablet away from Millie.  She did not like that at all!  Probably 15 seconds later Bubs called.  They decided to check on the kids so they drove until they got into cell phone range.  Thank goodness!  He was able to tell me where Ella's spare key was hidden.  Bubs had shown my dad where Lincoln's spare key was hidden, but not Ella's.  Yay!  I took Millie downstairs and was getting her in jammies when my dad came.  I was able to get Millie to bed easily.  My dad's night would have been miserable if we couldn't get that door unlocked!

Today was a LONG day.

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