Sunday, March 1, 2015


Today was fast Sunday.  Now that Preston is eight, everyone in our family fasts.  We always start small and work up to a full 24 hours, at least that is the goal.  I asked Preston if he thought he could fast from bedtime to 8:00 in the morning.  This was how that conversation went. 

Preston:  How about 6?
Me: How about 8?
Preston: How about 7?
Me: How about 8?
Preston: How about 8?
Me: Okay
Preston: Wait!  How about 7:30

Haha!  Anyway he did great and fasted until around 8:15.  We have 9:00 church this year, that is why he ended his fast at 8:15.  Hopefully soon he will be able to fast from bedtime until after church.

Maysen got up to bear her testimony today.  I was shocked.  That is not typical of Maysen.  She talked about patriarchal blessings.  She talked about how she had questions that she had fasted and prayed about. Her questions were about college, mission, marriage and if Heavenly Father really knew who she was.  All of her questions were answered. She said that when she says her prayers at night she usually says that she knows she can do hard things.  In her blessing it said almost word for word what she says in her prayers.  That really helped Maysen realized that Heavenly Father knows who she is, and also that he listens to her prayers.  She was very eloquent and gave such a wonderful testimony.

A few minutes after Maysen sat down, Preston whispered to me, "Can I go sit in one of the chairs to talk about my fast?"  I was a little surprised and murmured, "I guess so."  Preston hopped right up and went and sat on the stand and waited patiently for his turn.  I was terrified!  Was he going to be silly? That is what he usually tries to do when he has a lot of people looking at him.  I whispered to Stockton, "Is he going to say 'My mom made me fast until 8 and I wanted to end my fast at 7:30.'?"  I was so nervous!  After awhile, Preston came back down.  The lady was talking a long time!  Once he got down the lady finished. Preston ran right back up.  Maysen whispered that Preston asked, "Do I just go to the microphone when she finishes talking?"  Preston was so cute up there.  Luckily he wasn't trying to be silly.  He did tell everyone he fasted overnight until eight in the morning.  That got quite a laugh. He said he fasted for everything Heavenly Father and Jesus did for us and that he felt happy when he ended his fast.  It was really sweet.  It is also nice to be reminded that we don't have to fast asking for help with something, we can also do a fast of thanksgiving.

Many people came up to us today and quoted Preston's line about fasting until 8:00.  They all loved it.  One guy said, "Since it was said over the pulpit it is now doctrine.  I will now only fast until 8:00. Yep, don't think it works that way.  Anyway, Preston made a lot of people smile today.

The stake patriarch is in our ward.  He was giving the closing prayer. Before he said his prayer he said he wanted to give his testimony.  He talked about giving the blessings and the humbling experience it is.  It was pretty neat.

Maysen spent several hours today taking a practice ACT test.  They have a scoring template in the back of the book.  She did the best on English and Reading, obviously.  Math and science were a little harder. She scored a 28.  Hopefully she can get a few points higher when she takes the real ACT on Tuesday.

Mike, Maysen, Jorja, Preston and I all played Settlers of Catan on Maysen's board.  Mike won.  The game was pretty hard because the board was so crowded.  We have the expansion, so we were able to have other houses.  We forgot that they also add resource hexagons.  Mike and Maysen will need to make a few more.  Stockton didn't want to play.  I told him he didn't need to, but if he didn't play he should read Of Mice and Men.  It would have been even more difficult if Stockton had played, so this plan worked out.  We played until the missionaries came and then played after they left.  I had a miserable game.  Preston got to the point that every time a 10 was rolled he would get an automatic city.  I went several turns without gaining one resource. Long game for me.

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