Thursday, February 9, 2017

Hailey in Idaho

I took Mike to work today. We are planning on picking him up on our way to Idaho. I wanted the jeep for Stockton, who is not coming with us. I had my visiting teaching interview today. I was wandering around the outside of the church wondering if I had the wrong day when I got a text reminding me about my interview. I wrote back and asked where it was. It was at the Relief Society presidents house. They said it was announced in Relief Society and at the top of the sign in sheet. I am in primary and someone just came into my class while I was teaching and asked if I could sign up for a time. I had no idea. No harm done though. I got to talk to Suzanne Heaton and that was fun. She is the new Relief Society president and super nice. She is going to do a great job.

I spent the rest of the day getting ready for Idaho and getting Stockton ready for his diving competition. I picked him up at school so he could have a few minutes to breathe before he had to leave again. He drove the jeep down to Gavin's house. That is where he is going to stay while we are gone. I followed in the van so I could talk to Gavin's mom for a bit. She took Stockton and Gavin to traxs. They had diving practice down at the U. I asked Stockton how it went. He said it was crowded. There was a team from Seattle there. Stockton hates crowds, so I hope he managed okay.

Once Preston was home we hurried and loaded up a few last minute things then went to pick up the Porge. I stopped at Gavin's house on the way and put Stockton's church shoes in the jeep. We then went to Hailey's house and picked up Jorja and Hailey there. Then to Mike's work and finally we were off! It was pretty rainy and dark. We realized after dark that one of our headlights must be out. That made a huge difference. We loved it when we were able to have the brights on.
Picture of the cabin this morning
 Preston entertained himself on my phone
Mike and I decided to stop at a Japanese restaurant called Fuji. It was quite delicious and we were able to take home leftovers.
Stephanie, Preston, Jorja, Hailey
We got to the cabin around 10:30. It was wet and rainy. I hate rain at the cabin. It ruins the snow for sledding. There was a lot of slushy snow. I have never seen the front completely covered in snow before.
I was sopping wet by the time we were done unloading. It was pretty cold, as the first days usually are. Not as cold as some first days though. We got to sleep just after midnight. We put an electric blanket on the bed, but there is no way that thing was working!

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