Sunday, February 12, 2017

Last Day of Sledding

So.... I took a lot of pictures today. Over 100. Well, I took over 300 but I only posted over 100. Needless to say, today was a great day. We woke up and went to 9:00 church in Wyoming. Once we were back the kids were anxious to get back on the hill. Sophie told me she had never been real sledding before. I'm glad everyone had a great time. Jorja has been so happy. Preston and Sophie sure hit it off. They played together a lot this weekend. I put this picture of Jorja up first because I love it and I didn't want it to get lost in the picture dump below.
 Hailey, Jorja, Katlyn
 Mary, Katlyn, Jorja, Hailey
 Love this place
 Dave & Jennifer
 Mary's head ~ haha!
 Sadie & Hailey
 Hailey & Katlyn
 Flying Katlyn, Tiny Jorja, Walking Hailey
 Katlyn & Hailey with Dave & Jennifer behind ~ I think Dave is trying to hide
 Jorja's hair, Jennifer & Dave
 Preston, Sadie & Mary ~ Mary's face! I love it!
 Jorja relaxing
 Jorja, Katlyn, Hailey
 Katlyn, Jorja, Hailey
 Jorja & Katlyn ~ Dave and Jennifer
 Dave & Jennifer
 Preston & Sophie wanted to go up on the same sled ~ I doubted them, but they made it.
 Preston & Sophie, Sadie & Mary, Hailey
 Jorja & Katlyn, Davie & Jennifer on the 4 wheeler
Hailey, (Mary) Sadie, Sophie & Preston dragging behind
 I love this view
 Preston & Sophie
 Jorja & Katlyn
 Jorja, Hailey, Katlyn
 Jennifer & Dave
 Sadie, Jennifer, Dave
 Preston & Sophie ~ I have a lot of pictures like this, but I like them all....
 Jorja, Katlyn, Hailey
 And Mary
 These three don't have any fun at all.
 Hailey, Katlyn, Jorja
 Preston, Sophie, Mary ~ mischievious little guys
 Mary, Jennifer, Dave & Sophie, Katlyn, Sadie
 Katlyn, Dave & Sophie, Mary, Jennifer, Sadie
 Katlyn, Jorja, Hailey
 Sophie, Jennifer, Preston
 Hailey & Jorja, Jennifer standing behind them
 Jorja & Hailey look a little nervous
 I guess this is why.
 I wish I got a better shot at Sadie, because it looks like she's flying!
 Sadie's head
The 4 wheeler was close to running out of gas. I thought this would end the day for everyone. Not so. They climbed the hill for about thirty minutes until the 4 wheeler was good to go again. Now that's dedication!
Jorja & Hailey, Sophie & Preston
 Hailey & Jorja

 Preston & Sophie
 Jorja & Sadie, Mike, Katlyn, Hailey, Mary ~ Can you tell it was a warm day?
 Katlyn & Jorja
After sledding we cleaned up and headed home. Katlyn convinced her parents to let us take her home. Look at that exhaustion in the back seat. Those girls sure played hard!
Katlyn, Jorja, Hailey
We arrived home a little before 10:00. Stockton wasn't home yet, but he came home soon after. I stayed up talking with him hearing about his weekend. He went to church with Gavin today. He knew a lot of people in the ward, so that made going to Sunday School and Priesthood fun. He even drove Gavin and his dad home in the jeep. They had a birthday dinner for Gavin's little sister Samantha. It sounded like he enjoyed his weekend. Yay! What a great life we have!

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