Monday, February 6, 2017

No Art

I called Stockton's high school today to ask about how to register for some of the classes he wanted. We couldn't get him signed up for Gaming Development Fundamentals, yet it was in the catalogue. We thought it was because he hadn't had Computer programing. The registrar said they dropped that class. Boo! Stockton would have loved it! I then asked how to sign him up for ART 1010. It is an online class, but would give him an art credit towards graduating with his associates. The registrar was confused and asked for the class number. I told her there wasn't one in the book. She said, "It's in the book? What page?" Page 10. She was surprised it was there. She told me she would check on it and call me back. She called later and said they are not having that class either. Boo again! We ended up changing Stockton's three credit trigonometry class for a four credit integrated algebra class. Weird, but should be an easy math year for him. Much better than taking Calculus three. It will be nice when we can talk to the SLCC person to make sure we have done everything correctly. Senior year should be much easier than his junior year. It still boggles my mind that he will be a senior next year. I'm not sure I'm ready for that.

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