Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Pink Sugar

Most of my day was spent doing laundry. I was way behind on that! Stockton needed me to run and get more krazy glue for his bridge project. When I was out I saw these delicious things. I wish I could try them. One more month of my no-sugar challenge. Anne is going to love these.
It was raining so hard when I came out from the store. I wasn't prepared for that! Stockton was supposed to play kick ball in the snow for Young Mens. They changed it to basketball. I told Stockton he didn't need to go. He hates the basketball activities, and he needed to work on his bridge. Jorja and Audrey went to the Valentine's to make blankets for the rape crisis clinic.

Mike and I made a deal. I will get the kids up and ready in the morning (which I already do) and he will make sure they are tucked in safely at night (which he already does). I will feel much better when I fall asleep early if I know he will stay awake until they are home. I am not a night person and I really struggle staying awake, especially if I know I have my early exercise class in the morning.

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