Saturday, February 25, 2017

State Diving

Stockton had his state diving competition today. The person who was supposed to do the snack table had not arrived so I volunteered Jorja to run it. She had joked with Mike before we came asking if she could run a booth. The lady eventually showed up, but Jorja told her she was fine doing it. I think Jorja enjoyed it.
Jorja & Preston
There were a lot of divers at this meet. More than at most of the meets this year, not surprising though. What was surprising was that there was more boy divers than girl divers.
Stockton during warmups
Stockton did great on three dives and okay on three dives. I picked one picture of each dive for this blog. Mike also had a couple of videos that I was able to get.
Stockton ~ Front 1 1/2 pike
 Inward 1 1/2 tuck
Back 1 1/2 tuck
 Reverse 1 1/2 tuck
 Twist ~ I can't remember which one, but he hates them all. :)
 Front 2 1/2 tuck
Stockton ended up sixth place. At least he was able to get a medal. He was .5 points away from Camden. Matt actually failed his last dive, but the judges didn't catch it. The divers all did and were laughing when he got fives on the dive. He only did a half twist when he was supposed to do a full twist. Not only was he supposed to get a zero on that dive, but the degree of difficulty was higher on the dive he was supposed to compete than the dive he actually did. This put him in fourth place and ahead of Stockton. That was a little disappointing for Stockton. Matt did tell someone that he did the wrong dive, but if the judges don't catch it it doesn't matter. He just lucked out. Stockton said, "How do they not catch that but they catch me if I turn my feet even a little bit?" Stockton has this habit of twisting his feet on entry, especially on his inwards. The judges are ruthless on that. Dives that could be given sevens have been dropped to threes. That is a huge point difference. Well, the judges know these divers pretty well and I think all of them look for Stockton to twist. They kind of expect him to do it and nail him on it. I don't think they were expecting Matt to do the wrong dive. One of the girls did a back flip instead of a back dive. That is a lot easier to catch though.
Stockton, Matt, Christopher, Mickey, Gavin, Camden
 Stockton & Gavin
 Cougar Club Divers
Christopher, Stockton, Matt, Mickey
We went to Pizza Pie Cafe after the meet. I just had salad. Boo! One more month of no sugar, no dairy, no grain. On the way home I saw this on my phone. My eyes about popped out of my head. I can not believe that little Cameron has his mission call! What has happened?
Mike and I went to the temple tonight. Mike had signed us up to do sealings over a month ago. I was so tired when I got home I went to bed early. I can not believe I forgot about the BYU/Gonzaga game! I remembered before we left to the temple, but just forgot when we got home. I woke up to texts from my brothers about it. Oh man! I would have loved to watch that one! (BYU won 79-71. Gonzaga was ranked number one and would have finished the season undefeated if they won this game.) Anyways, I have now watched several recaps and hopefully will watch the entire game soon. Boo on me!

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