Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Valentine's Day

This is the valentine's box Mike and Preston worked on yesterday. They put my 'hoppy taw' I got for Christmas at the bottom so it wouldn't roll around. It fit perfect. They 3D printed the heart and Preston wrote the word 'love' in Chinese on it. Preston loved the final product.
I had to laugh because a lot of my friends were putting their kids valentine's boxes on Instagram. Stacy put a picture of an adorable hamburger valentine's box with the caption, "We stayed up all night making this cute cheeseburger Valentine's box for her last school Valentine's party. Jk we bought a piƱata at Target and cut a hole in it." Haha! I'm still laughing about that.

Jorja put herself on the 'party planning committee' in her math class. Weird, I know. She collected a few dollars in donations. I took Jorja and Katlyn to the store where they picked out a valentine's cake. Those two are weirdos, but make everything super fun.

I had student led conference with Jorja today. I hate those things. I would much rather talk to the teacher. I already know how she is doing in school, I don't know why I need to go to the school and have her tell me what I already know. What I know is Jorja has totally slacked off this year. This is the first conference where her grades weren't As. It's quite ridiculous. I told her, "You know this is going to change next year. No way would this be acceptable." She has focused more on socializing this year. I have really tried hard to pull back and let her be responsible. Hasn't worked out so far. Next year will be an entirely knew ball game for her. I think she also knows that this is her last year before things need to get serious. At least I hope she will get her head back in the game. She has been a straight 4.0 student. Not this year. Hopefully she can pull her grades up before the end of the term in a few weeks.

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