Thursday, March 16, 2017

Heritage Park

I dropped Stockton off at BYU, then came straight home. Mike brought Preston and took both of the boys home. I had a Relief Society activity that I wanted to go to. We went to "This is the Place" at Heritage Park. Sister Madson works there. She dresses up as a pioneer and tells their story. She did great and it was fun to see her. Afterwords we went to the Beehive House where they had fresh bread and jam. I skipped out on that and went straight to the quilt and lace exhibit. The first quilt I saw was hilarious. I ran down to get the Bradley girls to see.
Here are a few other random quilts I took a picture of.
 This one is not old, but I liked it.
I rode both ways with Megan Bradley. She brought her daughters Zoe, Quinn, and Georgia with her. It was fun to talk with them. I love that family!

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