Thursday, March 9, 2017

Mona Mae's Handprints

It was really dark when I went to wake up Stockton this morning. I had to laugh at Preston. It was funny trying to take the picture, because I couldn't see anything. I love him.
I went to my dad's house so he could help me get some ideas for my talk. Well, actually I knew what I wanted to talk about, I just feel better talking with my dad so I don't accidentally say anything untrue. I left with this paper.
I went straight to help the lady in our stake move. I was thinking, "Every time I specifically carve out time to work on my talk I get asked to help with this move. Hopefully Heavenly Father will help me A LOT on my talk, because I think I'm going to need it! I left at lunchtime and went to Becky's house. She had a fancy lunch for a lot of the neighbors. It was delicious. Becky is amazing. She is always doing nice things for other people. I wish I could be more like her, but that sounds like too much work. :)

Stockton and Preston both had diving today. I took Stockton down and worked on my talk while he dove. Stockton talked to me about his theater pantomime he performed today. Stockton and Gavin did a circus routine. Apparently it was awesome. I wish he had been able to record it. They do backflips off a pretend teeterboard. Stockton stands on Gavin's shoulders for a bit. Gavin 'hurts' his leg, so while he is limping, on the last backflip Stockton takes Gavin by the leg and throws him over. So glad they didn't get hurt!

Mike brought Preston down to Provo. Once they got here, I left and went to Sherry's house. She was doing handprints for Sunni's new baby. I met Sunni and Zach there. They brought little Mona Mae. I was excited for Sherry to hear their name. Mike and Sherry have an aunt that they call 'Crazy Aunt Mona'. Crazy in a good way.
Zach, Mona & Sherry
 Sunni, Zach, Mona & Sherry
 I also got to pick up Collin's handprints. Now John and Cassie have a complete set. Yay!

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