Saturday, March 11, 2017

Pictures in the Dark

Jorja and her friends went out to eat at Chuck-A-Rama today. She wanted her friends to come over after, but I wouldn't let her. It is daylight savings tomorrow and we want to decorate Easter eggs before church. Our plan was to decorate them tonight, but Jorja really wanted to go to dinner with her friends. The compromise was she had to come home early. Pretty sweet deal for her. Anyway, here are the pictures Jorja took yesterday. The first one is my favorite. It's funny because it looks like it was taken the same time as the two below, but it wasn't. I just like it, so I put it first.
 Jorja & Allison
 Jorja & Hailey
 Jorja, Hailey, Allison, Katlyn
 Jorja, Hailey, Katlyn, Allison
 Hailey, Jorja, Katlyn, Allison
 Jorja, Hailey, Allison, Katlyn
 No idea what is going on here, pretty sure they crashed.
 Jorja, Hailey, Allison, Katlyn
 Hailey & Katlyn
 Jorja & Katlyn
 Jorja & Katlyn's nose
 Jorja & Katlyn
 Hailey & Allison
Maysen and I ran errands today. We did her laser hair appointment, which she didn't like. We sent packages, which she liked. We spent a lot of time looking at possible classes for next year. Registration is a few weeks away. Yikes!

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