Friday, March 3, 2017

Three Rock Families

I had the last book club with Preston for the book Fuzzy Mud. Preston wanted me to bring strawberry jam sandwiches, so I did. Josh had asked if I would bring Dunford donuts, so I brought those too. Book club was fun. I hope I get to do it again. They are reading a biography next and doing a wax museum. Hopefully we can do a book club after that and hopefully I get picked as a parent volunteer. There were a lot of different rock poems outside his teachers door. Here is Preston's.
Stockton went to a circus performance with Gavin. He went with his family super early. Stockton and Gavin were hoping to work on their pantomime for a bit before the performance. Jorja was a little sad today. She was hoping to watch a movie with her friends, but it didn't work out. We talked her into watching a movie with us. She had to watch a movie about a hero's quest and do a paper on it. I tried to get her to do The Lion King, but she went with Mike's suggestion of A Knight's Quest. I didn't remember seeing the movie before. Mike said I had seen it four times and I had slept through it four times. I did pretty good staying awake today. I think I only slept through fifteen minutes or so. Much better than the other times.

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