Saturday, April 1, 2017

Collin Conference

I absolutely love General Conference. I love listening to the messages. I love relaxing and working on a project while we listen. I love that my entire family watches all the sessions if they possibly can. Jorja had to miss the first session. She had softball practice. The pitchers and catchers went early. That meant Jorja started at 9:30. I picked her up after the first session. We stopped by Harmon's on the way home and picked up a few more treats.

I finished Collin's stocking during the afternoon session. I am so excited to have it finally done! I was procrastinating doing the cording, but it wasn't so bad once I started. I think the stocking turned out great!
I watched the priesthood session with Mike and Stockton. We were all surprised that it only lasted about an hour. Mike and I went to the store to pick up food for tomorrow's dinner. My dad wanted to do breakfast for dinner. Mike and I are in charge of omelets, crepes and some kind of breakfast casserole. I picked a peach, croissant casserole. While Mike and I were at the store a foreign lady that didn't speak English very well stopped us and asked if we could help her. Of course I said yes. She said that she needed us to pay for her food. I was confused as to what was going on. I had a few dollars in my pocket and tried to give them to her. She said she didn't need money, she needed someone to pay for her food. I wasn't sure what to do. We had just watched conference and I want to help people who are less fortunate. At the same time, Mike and I are super tight on money right now. We have been wondering how we are going to pay our bills this month and talking about needed to take out more on our loan, which we don't want to do. We have several huge bills coming up, so it is quite scary. Anyways, it didn't look like that lady had too many things, I thought it would be about $50, which is a lot of money right now for us, but I agreed. I walked with her to the cash register silently wondering what I was doing and hoping she truly needed the money. In Georgia there are people that do this thing all the time and that is what they do for a living, just get people to pay for their food. I knew this, still I wasn't sure what to do. I was stunned when the bill came to $130. Still, I put in my card and paid for this random lady's food. I felt like sitting down in the middle of the isle and crying. I know people have it worse off than me, but I would much rather pay for one of my brother's grocery bill than someone I don't even know. I wish I knew if she needed it or if I was just scammed. Next time I will say that I can pay for one can of formula, but not for their entire bill. I'm not even sure how it exactly happened. I guess people can tell I'm a sucker from a mile away. I was just so shocked about the entire thing I wasn't sure what to do. I wish I knew it was going to be $130 from the beginning, because I knew we couldn't afford that. Hopefully something will work out. Anytime money has been tight in our marriage, it eventually gets better. The cabin has had more bills than we anticipated so it feels like we have just been holding on for quite awhile. I'm sure it will get better, but we might have to take out some more on our loan. I probably shouldn't have bought a ticket to Virginia. At least I found it for $160 round trip, which is only $30 more than I paid for a random lady's groceries!

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