Thursday, April 27, 2017

Grand Slam

Jorja's schedule was posted today. She is disappointed. She has been planning on running for freshman vice president for quite awhile now. When Jorja got her schedule we found out the Chinese is the same period as student government. That really is too bad. Many people in the Chinese program were planning on running. Bode was planning on running for president and would probably win. This might be the easiest year to get into student government, too bad she won't get a chance. They also didn't give her a 4th period class. That's weird. We can't mess with her schedule until Monday though.

Jorja had a softball game today. The other team forfeited. Jorja played outfield for the opposite team when her team was up to bat. They would call her in and replace her with another teammate. Jorja did an awesome job catching. Then she was asked to pitch. Jorja's team doesn't have a strong pitcher. Jorja can get it in the strike zone, but people can usually hit her. It does make the game a lot more interesting to watch though!
Jorja pitching
I left early so I could go to Preston's pack meeting. Right as I was at the car I saw Jorja was up to bat. Bases were loaded with two outs. I stopped to watch. Jorja ended up striking out. First time this season. Luckily the catcher dropped the ball, so Jorja took off toward first. The catcher threw the ball to first. Jorja slipped and fell on first base and the baseman let the ball go behind her. Jorja jumped up and ran to second. Again, the baseman didn't catch the ball. She dashed toward third. The baseman missed one more time and the ball went out of play. Jorja was able to make it home. Grand slam on a strike out. Talk about making lemons into lemonade! Nicely done.

Preston was supposed to receive his Webelos badge today. He didn't. The lady that picked up the badges only got the pins, not the badges. Judy was spitting mad. They didn't get the badges last month either. Judy even confirmed with the lady that she had the badges, she said yes. Except she didn't. Preston still received his Duty to God, Art Explosion and Webelos Walkabout. These leaders sure work hard!
Boy I don't know, Griffin, Braxton, Preston, Sister Breen and Judy

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