Wednesday, April 12, 2017

No Clothes

I went to the temple today. I have been trying to go to the temple once a week this year. Mike, Preston and I were playing a game this morning. We hurried to finish, get Preston out the door and then I hurried out as well. I got my session card for 9:30 and was shown to a locker room. It wasn't until I was in the locker room that I realized I had left my temple clothes at home. Whoops! I asked a nice older lady if they rented clothes. She laughed and said, "I was wondering if you just had really big pockets." They don't rent clothes, but they do have some people can borrow. She took me down in the elevator to the laundry. I was able to get everything I needed down there. Crazy, I have been going so often - how could I have forgotten? The person helping me through the veil was Leigh Gunnell. That was cool. I can't remember seeing him since my mom died. I'm sure he was at my brother's weddings though. He was my stake president when I was growing up and was a counselor to my dad in the bishopric when my dad was Bishop.

After the temple I stopped by the hospital to see Sam and Gregory. He is still in the NICU, but his IV has moved to the top of his head. That will stop him from pulling it out! He looked cozy wrapped up in the blanket. My kids loved being wrapped up like that. Sam said she is feeling a lot better today. She was worried about Greg, but the doctor came in and checked on him and said he has improved. He's not breathing as fast for as long as he was before. His oxygen level is normal and they want Sam to try nursing him a couple of times to see how he tolerates that. If he does well, they can take his IV out tomorrow.
 Gregory with the blanket Matt & Sam made him
I dropped both of the boys off at the University of Utah for diving. I then went to Kendra's house. She lives right across the street from the capitol. It is awesome! Their view out of their front window is the capitol. Anyways, she was giving a few things away, one of them being a Christmas tree with lights. Mike has wanted a Christmas tree that already has the lights attached for awhile now. I stopped by to pick it up. Worse case, we can give it away. Sharon was at Kendra's house. I talked to Sharon for awhile. She called the Regents people for me, looking for what the actual wording of the law is. She is encouraging me to call my representatives about it. I'm a little nervous, but we'll see. She also talked to me about different scholarships. When Matt Parry went to BYU, in order to be considered for the Hinckley scholarship you had to have a 33 on your ACT. My how times have changed! I bet now you need a 36! Matt got a 31 the first time he took the ACT. When he heard 33 was the magic number he studied and took it again. That was worth his time because he got a 35 and was awarded a Hinckley scholarship. Anyways, it was fun to talk with Sharon. We set up a time to go river rafting with my family on the 4th of July. That should be fun. Hopefully we don't knock Sharon into the water this time!

Maysen was able to register for her classes and she got everything she wanted, including the fiction writing class! Yay! A lot of the classes she registered for are only offered in fall, so it was nice to get them. She will have sixteen credits, four psychology classes and one writing class. Neuroscience sounds the hardest to me. She will also be taking Scientific Thinking, Psychological measurement and Behavioral assessment.

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