Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Stockton in Logan

Stockton and I left early this morning to go to Utah State. I wanted to have him take a tour of the campus. I also wanted to do it when Maysen was there so we could get to see her. When I went on the tour with Maysen just over a year ago we met in the Administrations office at the bottom of the TSC. That is where I headed this time. Except they have now built a new Welcome building, so that is where the tour started. Luckily we were early so no harm done. The tour went really well. We had a great guide. Stockton was glad we got him and not the perky blond girl. I think she took longer. The guide also told us they have diving boards at Utah State. We were not aware of this. They don't have any diving classes, and they don't have a diving team, so we just assumed they didn't have any diving. The guide said there is a diving club at Utah State and that they have a 1 and 3 meter, he wasn't sure about the platform. I hope he is right about this. I have no idea if Stockton will pick Utah State, but if he did it would be nice if he could play around in a pool!

I talked to the administration people after the tour. It is now harder to get the scholarship Maysen received. Luckily Stockton has a 33 on his ACT, so it pushes him into the highest category. We just don't know if that is going to be the same index they use next year. Although it went up a lot last year, so hopefully it will stay the same this one. I asked about deferring in order to go on a mission. I was curious if Stockton would need to pick his school before he left in order to receive scholarships. They said that he would accept admittance, accept the scholarship, defer and then he can decide when he gets back. That is good to know. It will be nice to have choices when he gets back rather than pick where he wants to go in two years.

Stockton and I met Maysen in the TSC for lunch. I wish I had gotten a picture of the two of them. It made me laugh when I read the same thing on Maysen's blog. I loved watching the two of them laugh together. I love how my kids get along so well with each other. After lunch we took Maysen to Lowes to pick up samples for her interior design class. She has not enjoyed this class, but at least it takes care of her art credit. She had high hopes for this one, but it hasn't been what she thought it would be. I think it is too subjective for her. She wanted to know how different colors effect moods and things like that. Not this looks good and this does not. She has a hard time picking out which looks good. Most the time she has a different opinion than her teacher. Anyway, it was nice we were able to drive her to a store so she could get samples for her next project. 

Stockton and I had free ice cream coupons from the tour. Free scoop of Aggie ice cream. How can you pass that up? Maysen didn't have time to go with us, so we dropped her off for her abnormal psychology class before we picked up her ice-cream. We ate it on the drive home. Except Stockton fell asleep and his ice-cream started to melt. Don't worry, I was a hero and ate it for him. I'm nice like that.

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