Saturday, April 29, 2017

Tables, Couches and Beanbags - Oh my!

Mike and I spent most of the day going back and forth to the Hodson's. They are moving to California soon. They are giving away a lot of things. Their place in California will be pretty small. The Hodson's gave us their couch (which we will pick up tomorrow) and their bean bags.
 They gave us four bean bags. One large and three "small" - (er)
We were also given their foosball table. We now have three, including the one at the cabin. We asked Bubs if he wanted his back, but he was unable to take it. Mike had Stockton help him get the table out of the van. Mike was inside carrying it, Stockton was outside. Mike tripped and fell out of the car and landed on the table. Luckily it didn't land on Stockton's toes. He wasn't wearing shoes and that would hurt! Plus, a diver breaking his toes? That would be horrible! Hopefully the table isn't broken as well.

Mike was sneezing the rest of the day. The Hodson's have a cat. I have started washing all of the beanbag covers. I washed the large one twice already. Hopefully that will do the trick.

Stockton took a practice AP US History test today. He was supposed to be in Colorado at a USA diving meet. The biggest meet of the year. Oh well. School is more important. Stockton had fun hanging out with his friends after the test. They went and got pizza and ate it on the school bleachers. These next two weeks are going to be really hard for Stockton.

We watched Bubs' kids tonight. Bubs' got a last minute reffing job and Ange got last minute concert tickets. My dad came over for a bit so we could take the kids to the Hodson's. The kids got to pick out games and eat food. We got a few new games we are excited to try out. We also got another Clue, Master Detective game. I think it was John who loved ours, although it has been a LONG time since I've played that game with my brothers!

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