Saturday, May 6, 2017

Daniels' Wedding

We watched Bubs' kids today for a couple of hours so Bubs could ref. Preston had fun playing with them. Mike and I went to Annalise Daniels wedding reception today. Annalise's dad, Allan, is Mike's cousin. The wedding was in the Wasatch Room at the Joseph Smith Memorial building. It was beautiful. I remember when Steve and Shannon had their wedding reception in the very same room. Mike was on his mission and I didn't really know anyone there. I spent the time playing with Holly and Josh's kids. I think they were around 3 and 5. I played with Jake and Brady for at least an hour. Now Brady is married. Wow, that was a long time ago. Anyways, Crazy Aunt Mona was there. She was happy we made it. She introduced us to everyone. She's such a good hostess. Mike and I were about to leave when Allan started his toast. I loved listening to it and hearing his version of Annie and Dallen. Then Dallen's dad gave a toast. Also good. Then Annie's best friend gave a toast. It was . . . long. Really long. Even though she started out the toast saying she would be "shortish because she knows how much they hate these things". Maybe the definition of shortish is super, super, super long and rambly. Anyways, I think she travelled from New Jersey to be there, so she deserved to give a long speech.

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