Friday, May 19, 2017

Happy Anniversary Brett & Rachel!

Today was a really great day. We just hung out in the morning for awhile. I played with Grace and Eve. (Marie and Mina were at school.) I have a lot of pictures like this on my phone, courtesy of Eve.
Brett and Rachel tried to figure out what they are doing for the move. Rachel was planning on moving themselves, which was really stressing her out. Brett and Rachel came up with a new plan and everything started coming into place. I hate moving. I can't even imagine having to move every few years.

We decided to go get tacos for lunch. Before we left I decided to check arena scheduling to see if anyone dropped out of foods. I couldn't believe it! There was one opening. I hurried and dropped Stockton's team sports class and added foods. My hands were shaking the entire time. I then dropped Stockton's study hall class 2nd semester and added team sports there. (Stockton needs team sports to graduate. 1/2 of a pe credit left.) While we were at the taco place I got a message from Stockton saying he would like to try to test out of math 1010 and add study hall there. I was able to do that from my phone. I was quite pleased with myself because I hate doing things on my phone. I am so happy that Stockton and Jorja will have a class together. I hope they like it. It would really stink if we worked so hard to get them into this class and it turns out to be the worst class ever. I think they will love it though. Plus, it would be nice for someone to teach the kids about cooking, because I sure am not a great example.

The taco place was yummy. It took forever though. I went and got a small pizza for Grace and Eve from the store next door. They were finished before we got our tacos; and they didn't eat fast!
I kept trying to take a picture of Eve. She kept trying to show me something.
Brett and I had an appointment to play racquetball after lunch. Rachel took Grace and Eve swimming while we played. Brett stomped me every game. It was fun though. The highest I ever got to was four.  I did manage to hit myself in the face with the ball during the game. I hit the ball hard and it did this weird ricochet thing and nailed me in the temple. I'm really glad it didn't hit my eye. That could have been bad. They had a great pool at this gym. At least for diving. I was so jealous that this pool was so close to their house. I wish we had something like this near our house. Brett said there was a sign talking about the divers that have come through there. I'm not sure if anyone made it all the way to the olympics, but there were several who made it to the qualifying round.
 They even have a three meter platform. I've never seen that before.
As soon as we got home Brett and I got dressed for the temple. We were out the door super fast trying to beat traffic. We did initiatories. The Washington DC temple is so beautiful inside. It is huge! I'm used to going to the Draper temple. This was a lot bigger! We met Rachel and the girls at Freddy's for their anniversary dinner. Yep. I crashed their anniversary. I was surprised to see fry sauce in Virginia! I had a delicious hamburger and such a yummy milkshake.
 Stephanie, Mina, Marie
We walked to a cute little park that was near Freddy's. We played there until it was really dark. Eve kept crashing into everything. The kids had a great time and did not want to leave. My camera didn't take great pictures. I think it was because it was pretty dark when I was trying to take them.
Grace & Marie
 Mina & Grace
 Mina & Eve
John and Brandon came over about ten o'clock at night. We are planning on going to the Blue Jays/Orioles game tomorrow. John realized that under two get in free, so he decided to bring Brandon with him. Brett, John and I stayed up late watching baseball. I don't know how we noticed it, but someone realized that the game we are planning on going to is a night game. We were all super confused and thought that couldn't be right, that we heard wrong. I looked it up, and what do you know? The game is a night game. We thought it was an afternoon game. John did find out that the game was changed, originally it was scheduled to be an afternoon game. John was frustrated because he wanted to watch Mallory and Trevor play their baseball game tomorrow morning. He didn't think he would have time to see their game and make it to Baltimore for this one. Now, with the game starting at 7:35 he would have plenty of time. Also, he doesn't know how well Brandon will do at a night game. Dealing with a tired baby changes everything. One more also, John isn't excited about the late game and getting to church tomorrow morning. He still would have picked to see this game because it is the Blue Jays, it was just annoying to find out that it is at a completely different time than all of us realized. At least we realized it tonight and not when we showed up at the stadium!

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