Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Random Things

First, while I was in Virginia Trevor kept calling me 'Grandma'. He would catch himself and correct himself, but it was super cute.

Friday night Matt and Sam got their car broken into again. All that was stolen was their temple bags. Both of their temple bags look like laptop bags. My dad was walking on Saturday and stopped to talk to a neighbor who was doing yard work. She told him that they found the craziest thing in their yard. Two temple bags. My dad brought the two bags down to Matt and Sam in triumph while I was there. I guess the thief decided they had no need for those. Luckily they looked inside while they were still in the neighborhood.

Jorja had her first practice for her summer softball team. It is mostly the same team she had in the spring. Same coaches and mostly the same players, with a few additions. She was really excited about this. Her team is going to be named Mia. I don't know why. I don't know if M. I. A. stands for something, or if they just thought Mia sounded cool. Jorja was pretty upset on the way home. She loves playing catcher, but doesn't get much opportunity because they needed her to pitch. Her friend Raina is a great catcher. Jorja is frustrated that Raina always gets to practice being catcher. She wants to improve, but doesn't know how if she is rarely given the opportunity. It makes me sad to see her so upset. I asked her if she talked to her coaches about it. No. Could I? NO! I don't think they have any idea how much she wants to be catcher. I wish she would just ask. She doesn't care about being the first string catcher, she would be fine with being a back-up catcher that gets to improve during practice. Hopefully this summer season turns out to be a good thing. She was so excited about it before today.

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