Sunday, June 18, 2017

Gregory's Blessing

Happy Father's Day! Gregory was also blessed today. I made Mike breakfast in bed while the kids slept in. Funny how they sleep in now. They have been super busy though. We opened presents before church. Mike got a new kindle that he was hoping would be easy to read pdfs on. The text didn't enlarge easy, so he was disappointed. His eyes have gotten really bad recently. The kids and I got Mike two games and one present that hasn't arrived yet. We got him One Night Ultimate Werewolf (Stockton's suggestion) and Betrayal at House on the Hill (Jorja's suggestion). Preston had helped me stash the presents. When I went to get them, I also found a Mother's Day card from Preston that he had hidden and apparently forgotten about.
Preston, Jorja, Mike, Maysen, Stockton
 Stephanie & Preston
Matt and Sam were in the back of the chapel, so we sat a few rows behind them. We still had soft seats, so that was nice. There were a lot of people on hard seats in the cultural hall behind us. We usually sit close to the front when we are at our regular ward. I did not like sitting in the back. I couldn't hear anything and found it hard to focus. Mike said that the speaker above us was not turned on. We did see Mr. Ward there. He was the Student Government advisor when Mike was a SBO. We talked to him for awhile and Mike introduced our kids. He asked about all of Mike's siblings. It's crazy how he can remember so many kids!

Mike got a lot of ties on Monday from Nathan. He joked about giving everyone a tie on Father's Day. Well, I thought he was joking. He was not. Everyone wore their ties to church except Jorja.
Stockton, Maysen, Mike, Jorja, Preston
We had dinner at our house with my family, Sam's family and a few of their friends and there families. There was a lot of people! I guess I should have asked how many people they were expecting so we would have been better prepared. It turned out fine though. Sam had asked us to provide the drinks and chips (and location). They brought pulled pork and lots of other food. Sam even had Preston's favorite caramels. I talked to Ange a lot about sleeping arrangements for when her kids are staying over while they go on a trip with my dad. Brett & Rachel will also be here at the same time. I'm really excited about that!
 Stockton & Gregory
After everyone went home we played Mike's new games. We didn't finish the Betrayal game because it took quite awhile, we will finish it later. It turned out I was the traitor. Now I'm a giant two headed snake monster and everyone else is trying to kill me. Whoops. We stopped that game to play the Werewolf game before bed. That game is fast. It was fun and we discovered both of the werewolfs. (Jorja and Preston) Preston had no idea he was a werewolf because I was the troublemaker and switched cards on him.

We have had a long, busy week and from the looks of things next week is going to be just as busy!

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