Saturday, June 10, 2017

Lagoon in June

One of the reasons we stayed over in the Lagoon campground was so we could be first ones when Lagoon opened. I knew they opened at 11:00. It has always been that way every family reunion. Mike finally convinced me to look up the park times. I was shocked when I discovered that Lagoon opened at 10:00 today. This is the first time our family reunion has been on a Saturday. It didn't occur to me the time the park opened would be different. I discovered this at 9:50. We hurried as fast as we could, but we weren't the first ones in the park. My dad and Max left to buy tickets. I followed shortly after with Maysen, Stockton and Preston. We headed to Cannibal, because we figured that would have the longest line later in the day. My dad did not want to ride it. He said he would be sick the rest of the day if he did. I do remember that happening to me when I rode Maysen's horrible favorite ride, Air Race. There ended up being five of us riding Cannibal. Maysen decided to go on the single rider line and wait with grandpa. The single rider line was a ton shorter. We ended up getting on the ride faster than Maysen. That was weird. I wonder if that is always the case or if the workers just weren't letting single riders on. Mike and Jorja found my dad waiting for us. This is how Mike found him.
Maysen got on the ride right as we were getting off, so we didn't need to wait for her long. Stockton, Preston, Max and I rode together. We were in the front seat. Max didn't like it. He said he never wants to be in the front seat again. I had my arms raised the entire time. It was awesome. After Cannibal, we went to the flying jeep kid ride. Jorja was planning on sitting in the front with Stockton. The lady wouldn't let her, but she didn't say anything to me about sitting in the front. I got in the front of Mike's car. The lady didn't like it and said I had to get out. Mike ended up getting out, and then he rode the ride the next time with Preston. At least she let him ride it right away but it was kind of annoying.
 Preston & Mike
We found our pavilion which I felt was in a great location. Much better than the last two years. Rozie and her family was there. Jackie came shortly after. I hung out at the pavilion and talked to my family while Mike took the kids on Rattlesnake Rapids. I talked with lots of different people. Heather and her family was there. Jackson and Chelsea. Jake and Jana. I had Jana talk to Sam about dairy allergies. Afton is allergic to dairy, although not as bad as Anne. Tammi and Frank came. It was really fun. I was worried that there wouldn't be very many family members this time, but there were still plenty to fill the pavilion. Mike brought games and the kids played there for awhile.
Mike, Maysen, Stockton & Jorja playing Tiki Topple
Preston had fun hanging out with Max. I let them roam the park together. I kept thinking we would run around with the cousins when we were that age...although there were a ton of us, not just two. They had a great time so it all worked out. Later they came back so they could go in Lagoon-a-beach. My kids ended up going back to the motorhome. I thought they would come back, but they didn't. Except Maysen. I was really glad she did. I hung out with Matt and Sam for a long time. We went to the jeep and not only did they let me be in the front of the jeep, they had me in the front with Anne. My legs were all scrunched up, it was hilarious. We were the last ones to get in, so there was only one jeep left. I told the lady I didn't think we could fit. She said we would be fine. I fit a ton better when I was by myself in the front. Where were you this morning?
Anne, Matt, Stephanie
 Anne & Stephanie, Jeff & Matt ~ Jeff did NOT like the jeeps
 See the guy behind Matt, that is what my legs looked like
 Anne LOVED the teacups. Jeff did not.
I rode the purple teacup (Anne's request) with Sam, Anne and Jeff
Anne then spent a LONG time on the ladybug and dinosaur rides. She rode them with her mom, her dad, and several times with me. Maysen came and met us there, then she rode them with Maysen. Sam took Jeff to the boats during this. The boat ride was more his speed. She said he loved it and rode it over and over. One time he was in the very front and was the only one riding. They started letting him just stay in instead of waking around to get in the ride when he was the only one riding it.
Anne & Sam
 Anne & Matt
 Anne on a spaceship
 Maysen & Anne ~ It was getting dark so my pictures are not very good.
Maysen and I brought Anne to Sam and then headed down to the Spider. We had wanted to ride the Spider earlier, but the line was SO long. Over an hour at least. The line wasn't too bad this late. Maysen asked if there was any ride I wanted to ride. I told her I would love to ride the Rocket with her. She doesn't like that ride, but she agreed to ride it with me anyway. We stopped at the bumper cars and watched for awhile. Anne was there. I don't have many pictures, but it was absolutely hilarious. The worker was falling asleep.
He didn't make sure the kids were buckled and he wouldn't say the traditional 'keep your arms and hands in etc. etc.' One of the mom's watching yelled, "The kid in the blue needs help with his seatbelt." He walked out to a kid in a purple car and buckled him then started the ride. Several kids had their seatbelts dragging. I wish I had a picture of that! Anyways, these two kids pinned the kid in the green car, then they got out while the ride was going and put his seatbelt on him! I couldn't believe it! Luckily no one got hurt. Maysen and I were laughing so hard. We watched about three rounds. In every one there were multiple kids not wearing seatbelts. I guess they don't protect them much on this ride, but it can't be great if they are dragging behind the cars.
Maysen and I then went on Blast-Off at the Rocket. I love that ride. Maysen hated it, but I'm glad she went on it with me. Our last stop was to the pavilion. Matt and Sam met us there. We were obviously the last people, so we cleaned up. I texted Mike and asked him to come help us. He did. Although the first thing he did was to empty my dad's crockpot that had the hotdogs in them. He was pouring the water into the bushes and dropped the crockpot. The crockpot shattered. Mike said, "Well, this is how my weekend is going." It took forever to get things ready to go. Mike and Maysen walked to the campground. The park was closed. A police officer stopped them and asked them where they were going. (There is a special entrance to the campground by some of the rides that is far from the exit.) I helped Matt and Sam out. Sam had a stroller, I pushed the other stroller and held one end of the heavy cooler. Matt had the other end. We were absolutely the last people out of the park. They had started closing all the exits. They closed the stroller exits, so we had to get the strollers through the turney thing. Matt had parked far away and couldn't figure out how to get to his car. Finally he followed some workers right as they were closing the gate and squeezed in. He then had to drive around until he could figure out how to make his way back to us. All the exits were closed out of the parking lot. Finally we saw that we could exit through one of the entrances. Matt and Sam dropped me off at the motorhome. Everyone was in bed and most were asleep when I got back. I was so tired. It was a really fun day.

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