Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Payton's Home!

I knew Payton was coming home this week and was thrilled to watch a video Jerome posted of Teresa meeting him. I cried. I was about to text Teresa a message when I got these three pictures from her. I was so happy! I couldn't believe she thought to send these to me. She knew how much I'd love them.
Elder Payton
 Weston, Payton, Teresa
 Jerome, Weston, Payton, Teresa
Look at that complete family! Isn't it awesome! My friend Alisha's boy, Cameron, is going into the MTC tomorrow. Wow. So excited for these families.

I wanted to take Maysen shopping and we were about to leave when Stockton mentioned something about his bowling class. Whoops! I had completely forgotten. Good thing he said something. Instead, Maysen and I waited until he came home. We were still able to make it to the store before it closed. We went bra shopping at a store called Lace by Louise. Shannon told me about it on Sunday. I loved it. I felt really comfortable with the owner and I'm so excited to get Maysen a bra that actually fits. Her rib cage is so small that her bras need to be special ordered. Her chest is too big for her to go to youth sizes. Anyways, she has never had a bra that fit properly. I have tried, but the people I had taken her to had no idea what they were doing. I wasn't impressed, so the next time we just went to Kohls and that experience wasn't great. Anyways, I'm really excited about this. I think it will help Maysen a lot. I will need to take Jorja there some time as well. Now that I trust someone, that will be my go-to.

Speaking of Jorja, I got this picture from her today. Doesn't she look happy? She said her day was good and they had a dance today. I asked her where Ebony was in the picture. Ebony was in a different class, but they met up with her later. That surprised me that they would be separated, but I guess they aren't mission companions.
Random boy, Random boy, Jorja, Random boy, Random girl, Random girl
Mike and I met with the sister missionaries tonight. That was good. They were able to help Mike with a few things he didn't know about. Like how when our ward has splits, they are supposed to meet with Mike for fifteen minutes before. Something called RTL (?) We had never heard of such a thing. It was great to talk with them and form a connection. Mike has a lot of work ahead of him, but he will be great at this calling.

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