Sunday, June 25, 2017

Ward Mission Leader

Mike and I met with Bishop Waddoups this morning so Mike could get a new calling. He is now the ward mission leader. We thought that was what is was going to be because the previous ward mission leader and his wife decided that they want to attend a Spanish ward to improve their Spanish. We were ward missionaries, and the only ones that attended the last meeting besides Nellie. (Talking with the bishop we all agreed that Nellie would be the best person for this job.) The bishop even got permission to release Mike from his stake calling. Mike had been off limits with the old stake presidency. Bishop Waddoups said he convinced the new stake presidency that Mike would be easy to replace. Anyways, Mike is pretty nervous about this calling. He had a cushy stake calling once he got the computers in line. Mike was hoping that they didn't call him just because he was serving as a ward missionary. The bishop laughed and said he had no idea. That's good that he was prompted to pick him and didn't just look at who was working in that field already. The bishop wants someone who can do this calling with out-of-the-box thinking. That is definitely Mike.

Our stake patriarch, President Christensen, died yesterday. I'm so sad. He usually sat behind us in church and was so nice. During the height of AP testing season, I was prompted to have Stockton get his patriarchal blessing. I remember thinking that if I wanted President Christensen to give it to him we should get this done. I thought he might be getting released or something, I didn't if patriarchs kept their calling forever. I never imagined he would die. He was 72 years old, so younger than my dad. He got sick two weeks ago, I'm not sure what happened, but he had to have emergency surgery. I decided not to bother Stockton right away, even though I kept thinking about it. I wanted to wait until AP season was over so he could catch his breath. Then summer school started up strong that it feels like summer hasn't even started. Another example of me not acting on a prompting. I feel very sad for his family.

Alex and Andi will have their birthday on Saturday, so they were sung to today. I took this picture and texted it to their mom. These guys are adorable! I had three visitors today, which doubled the size of my class. I had made things for five people, one short. Megan said that she had six people last week too. The most I have had before this was four, so I was quite surprised.
Sister Mark, Alex, Andi, Sister Hawkins in the back and Sister Tanner's arm
We went to Steve and Shannon's house after church. We taught them One Night Ultimate Werewolf and Mike and some of the boys played Betrayal at House on the Hill. It was pretty fun.

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