Thursday, June 29, 2017

Wardle Fields

I decided to skip diving for Preston today and hang out with my brothers. I will have him make it up later. Usually they don't let you make-up diving, but I have previously talked to them about if the lesson is changed on me, I'm planning on making it up. That was what happened today. It worked out because we were able to go to the splash park with my brothers and that was a lot of fun. I just wish I had taken Preston to diving yesterday.

Stockton didn't come with us because he had his bowling class at 2:00. Mike said he would be able to drop Stockton off at his class because he had a lunch meeting in Sandy. Maysen, Preston and I first stopped at my dad's house where we met Brett and Matt and their families. Yay! Brett's here! Grace and Anne were so cute together.
Grace & Anne
I think Grace smiles like Jorja. Squints her eyes when she smiles. I mean, look how big her eyes are in the picture below verses when she is smiling. Grace asked if she could put bunnies ears on Anne. They tried to do them on each other too, but that didn't work out so well.
We met a lot of the Leatherwoods at the park. Laura was there! Leslie too. Along with Phil and Cathy, Brian and his family and I think John's wife was there with their kids. Leslie lives in Tennessee now, so it was really cool to see her. While talking to her we realized that our kids were in the same group at EFY. Well, group 5B. There could be hundreds of kids in 5B for all we know. I sent Jorja a picture of Kayden and told her to look for him.
Kayden and his friend Seth, also from Tennessee
The park was pretty fun. Maysen was such a good help. Matt was there with the three kids by himself and Maysen was an extra pair of hands.
Anne & Maysen
This park was so cool! I told Maysen, "Finally a park where kids can get hurt!" It seems like when my kids were little all the cool parks were torn down in favor of lame plastic things. I'm thinking of Star Slide. Anyways, this place was so dangerous. This kids loved it! I probably would have been a wreck if my kids were little though. This Christmas tree looking jungle gym turned around by kids pushing it. There were always a ton of kids hanging off this thing, with no supervision. Same with the slides. Tons of kids were going down it at the same time. Just like the good old days.
Maysen at the top of the Christmas tree
 Just random pictures of the park ~ it sure was crowded!
 It's free and only opened a month ago.
 Laura's daughter Autumn is crawling, Leslie's daughter Jordyn is in the blue shirt.
 Brian was super proud of this picture
 Marie & Preston
 Place to get muddy
 Jeff & Anne
 Maysen & Preston
 Brett crawled up on the roof to get one of the Leatherwood's shoes that had been thrown up there.
My dad was documenting the occasion. I was documenting my dad.
Maysen and Preston stayed dry the entire time until right before it was time to leave. They got into a little war. First at the splash pad, then at the waterfall.
 Maysen & Preston
My dad drove us there, which was nice since we don't have air-conditioning. We got back to my dad's house when there wasn't enough time to go home but too much time to go get Stockton from bowling. We hung out there for about ten minutes then arrived at bowling right at 4:00. Except Stockton didn't come out for 17 minutes. We were so hot! Stockton was pretty excited though. He got his best bowling score of all time. It says 158, but he said he actually got a 151. It accidentally recorded a spare when he didn't really get one. I've never scored 151, so I'm pretty impressed. He is really liking this class.
Stockton's score
My dad made spaghetti for dinner. Maysen stayed home, but the rest of us went (except Jorja of course). Mike's favorite thing to do is take pictures of my dad when he falls asleep in weird positions. This is when my dad was making tapioca. Mike even took a video. My dad was oblivious to everything.